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Everything posted by Howard

  1. So...are Linda and Tibor now Maya & Stephan, version 2.0? Have they had any relations the past several weeks?
  2. Yes, something isn't right with her. I don't think it's a relationship issue. It's not like Maya and Stephan, who slept in the same bed for 9 months w/o having sex, only for everyone to realize they separated (emotionally) for those 9 months. It was just a living arrangement (I miss that girl). I have seen Tibor being affectionate to Linda. Haven't seen any form of reciprocation. Confident there's a psychological issue with Linda (unless its also emotional as in she wants out of the relationship, which I don't see signs of that coming from her. Weight gain...laziness...sleep.. I hope she can snap out of it on her own.
  3. Dude dressed in red? Was he also wearing red tights and carrying a pitch fork? Did he have pointed ears? A goatee? Was he eating eggs? Was he saying 'beelzebub' for no apparent reason?
  4. Just some observations... Since Paul's arrival, if you think about it, Leora hasn't changed much. She's always been anal about cleaning (maybe cleaning more often now then two weeks ago). But that could be because Paul can be a pig. Yes...Paul seems to be more considerate the last two weeks than the previous 10 years. He's a work in progress (but he is making progress). We know her personality has changed little (always happier when you're in love AND your love is with you). One thing I have noticed is she hasn't cooking much (that I recall). She didn't always cook for herself. But w/ Paul around, I'd think she'd be a little more of a happy homemaker (not a criticism to those w/ a 24/7 boner for her). I also haven't seen her do his laundry (or Paul doing laundry...as if!). One more thing: She no longer Skypes 🙂 ....and has she spoken/video chatted w/ Malia the last two weeks???
  5. Leora cleaning with white gloves. After vacuuming, she will ask Paul to stand and check him for a hernia.
  6. During the first 6 months, my girlfriend would come home from work and change into a negligee or see-thru teddy. Then winter came, weather turned cold, and the teddy turned into sweats. At least she didn't gain weight and remains hot.
  7. Disagree. I may have a bias, but most women raised is a moral, ethical, and a home of faith who believe in marriage want to settle down and have children (for the right reasons). Looking at the RLC participants, most come from a challenging upbringing. They have no long term plans. They plan their future deciding which panties they will wear the next day. Leora, Martina, Venera, Linda - they have goals. Most likely within five years, the rest will end up relying on the taxpayer (or Johns) for their livelihood.
  8. I would think those who drool after her 24/7 can tell us if she takes the pill (although there are other forms of birth control). Snip. Snip.
  9. I'm liking Paul v2.0. Still plenty of room for improvement, but he's a much better 'partner' then he was 2 years ago.
  10. The love and respect they have for each other comes through on-screen. Might be too early to say, but they act like the classic 1950s American couple you would see on television, with some modern day caveats. This is a couple you don't just tune in for the sex, but how they interact with each other and the challenges they face being a couple.
  11. Unless the characters in this play say something in a language YOU understand, don't believe what others say. I'm still on the side of Linda being in a depression. There is something going on with her that has taken her passion and sex drive BELOW that of (Leora and) Paul. Her movement is slower, she sits far longer in one place then just a few months ago, she's gained 10-15 lbs the past six months (look at video from last December). She's in a funk.
  12. Some trivia: Back in mother Russia, it wasn't often Paul unloaded inside Leora.
  13. Paul has elevated himself to a semi-attentive boyfriend and a mediocre lover.
  14. As long as you look out for an alert, you haven't left and you haven't lost interest. There is no shame admitting you have been sucked into this black hole and can't find your way out.
  15. If you're watching only for the nekkidness and sex, than I see your point. But this apartment has gotten a shot of B12. Newish dude moving to a new city, reunited with his high school sweetheart. Leora hasn't been this happy in 2 years. Watch for all other dynamics then nudity and you might like what you see. Set aside your horndoggy-ness and look with fresh eyes. With that said, for now, my position that she leave RLC has changed. IMO, she no longer is just selling her poofta for views. She now has other things gong on in her life that may lead her in a new direction, making her life more fulfilling than two weeks ago.
  16. I hope I am wrong. But I feel Linda and Tibor are 2-3 months away from getting an eviction notice if she doesn't snap out of her depression (I assume that's why this apartment has been lifeless the past few weeks). It will take more then one romp in the sack over the next week or two for me to think different. On a side note, when was the last time they watched porn on the TV??? Maybe if they watch a skin flick,....
  17. I think the guest room will eventually turn into an office for Paul.
  18. Relatively speaking, if Leora's plans are to seduce Paul (or plant within his brain to initiate), why doesn't she put her hair in a ponytail? She battles her hair often during coitus or giving oral.
  19. Domesticated. Hot body. Game for most anything. Shows signs of a want-to-be actress.
  20. You can tell Linda suffers from depression. Not sure why but her behavior (including lack of physical desire and overall lack of enthusiasm) shows all the signs. Even her recent weight gain (the past 3-4 months) is more due to limited activity/lack of motivation then poor eating habits. She comes home, changes into a robe, sits on the living room couch viewing social media while Tibor is (I assume) working in the office. She then goes to the bedroom, plotz's down on the bed and watches TV. Something is wrong with her and I hope she (or Tibor) realizes this and gets her help.
  21. Are you saying Linda has fake boobs? Strongly disagree - especially if you look at earlier video when she only had a couple tatts (and was 15 lbs lighter).
  22. Seems premature, but they should consider a puppy for Eva. She appears often bored or lost.
  23. She's taken it all down in the old apartment. Nothing new for her. Paul needs to let her put in the effort and pull his hands away.
  24. I'd be surprised if she wants to get pregnant. She is so body-aware (look at how often she touches her hair). I think she'd fall into depression how her body would form with a human cooking inside.
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