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Everything posted by Howard

  1. After seeing the farce of a blow job under covers, now I'm thinking Linda is purposely making herself unattractive and "inaccessible" to viewers as part of contract negotiations w/ RLC. Let the conjecture, assumptions and rumors continue.
  2. After all these years, Paul still hasn't learned not to get into an argument with a woman who has started her period. The correct answers during this time are always "yes, dear."
  3. I like this "art", yet I feel they jumped the shark. Either these two are too freakish for my taste, or these two are too freakish for my taste.
  4. FWI, I have heard her speak English while sitting in front of the computer. It sounded like she works in the customer service field (the one sided conversation gave no clue what industry she works in).
  5. She already set herself up for anal while Paul was away. Just some KY and....the problem I see is anal requires Paul to get off his back and...if its to be done with satisfaction.
  6. Nothing decent about it. She was like an old rolled up throw rug. Just laying there, not very supportive or interactive as he gave her oral and then parked the ol' Cadillac in her garage.
  7. Whatever it takes to put you in the cardiac unit, I'm all for it! 😀
  8. I'm thinking something stinky spilled and they're waiting for the room to air out.
  9. She 'cooks' in the bedroom. Yet sometimes, Paul prefers take-out.
  10. I say in frustration from no confirmation why she seems spacey... If Linda isn't eating, she's sleeping. If Linda isn't sleeping, she's eating. How Tibor doesn't (or so it appears) recognize there is a problem is an RLC mystery. They don't even communicate nearly as much as they did just three months ago. Marital problems??? For now, I'm thinking their days on RLC are numbered (and maybe that's OK with them).
  11. Looks like they went on a vacay or.....? They both left the house early in the AM - Tibor carrying two napsacks. Here's a VERY wild case, based on their demeanor (past and present) and how they left the apartment (didn't speak to each other as they were getting ready). Just a wild hypothesis someone is going to a rehab center (or similar) for either couple's therapy or working on someone's psychological state.
  12. Do not agree the 'honeymoon is over' theory. It's a psychological issue. Of the couple times I've seen Tibor touch her softly, there is no reaction. Who knows why she's in this state. Let's hope she either snaps out of it on her own, or gets the help needed so she can lead a productive life. It took me close to 4 years to get my mental state back on track after my mother died. Foolishly, too embarrassed to seek help. Did lots of reading and self-analysis. Got out of my funk...then I spent a few months w/ a therapist (did it ass-backwards,. Butt I'm doing OK (if you consider watching RLC and participating in Camcaps as being in right-mind).
  13. For us conservatives and romantics, you left out that she appears considerate, cooks, cares about her appearance, doesn't have distasteful piercings or tatts. She's a modern day June Cleaver/Mrs. Cunningham.
  14. I also assume she has a psychological issue (and not physical). I've seen Tibor cuddle with her a couple times, or gently rub her hair or thigh. Just no response from Linda. One would also think during theory 5+ weeks of abstinence, one of them would be bating (in the apartment). Again, don't think there is evidence of that. Then....let's take the paranormal possibility: Damn apartment is possessed with the anti-cupid and has sucked all the romance and sex from the apartment.
  15. She is the most sensual (and sexual) of all the RLC women.
  16. I'll give Paul kudos. It's 5:00 AM and he's working on the computer (he fixes/sells parts for cell phones, correct?). Assuming he needs to work in the wee hours of the morning for his clientele, at least he isn't a house husband like (Martina) Alberto. Probably not the bread winner, but he's conscientious (don't think I would have used that word for him 2 years ago), loyal, and predictable. Now that I (we) accept him for who he is, he's not a bad guy. Uncouth, at times an inconsiderate lover (but not as bad as before), he's grown on me like dandruff does on Max Ragnar's hair. 😄
  17. Many of you are missing a key ingredient to Leora's new-found horniness (yes, new-found). She was never as bold w/ Paul in wanting sex. Most of the time, she waited for him to make the move. Now, she has no problem jumping him. FWIW, I think they had a conversation about sex and their relationship. He's good for 2-3x/weeks and she accepts that. She will bate the other days (when she has the urge). She will also bate to fulfill her obligations to the viewers, evident at times in how long it takes her to cum and how often she needs to lick her fingers because the well is dry. With that said, Paul is more attentive/considerate to her general needs then I have ever seen (still needs much improvement, but you can see he is trying). I think the separation took the relationship to the next level. Granted, being apart for 2 months would have served the same purpose (assuming Paul didn't hump Eva during that time in lieu of Leora being many miles away). And besides, how often in the old apartment did you ever see them laugh together....and laughing during or immediately after sex?! Yea,,,it was rare. Observe both their behaviors. It isn't that Leora's horniness has elevated. It's that her love for Paul has deepened, based both on physical absence and that he's a better partner then before.
  18. You don't think it's pre-planned (i.e. roll playing)? Also, a sloth is more animated making love then Paul.
  19. Some of the nest sex occurs after abstaining for 3-4 days.
  20. Setting aside for a moment that she is sick, she still hasn't been herself the past few weeks. I think there is a phycological/depression factor, but that's only an assumption. As for her being sick, haven't seen much of Tibor the past four days. If my g/f is sick, I'm sticking around to comfort and assist all I can. I might sleep on the couch for a day or two, but I'd try not to leave her. It sucks being sick AND alone.
  21. Financial reasons? Are you sure they currently own where they live? I would think VH rented the place and are paying the rent for them. Either way, would you raise your kid on cam (not to mention would you place your life on cam?).
  22. She carries herself well (as does he). If you like traditional arrangements, these two appear to be it. She is sensual and affectionate (outside the bedroom). Both cook individually and together. No wild piercings or crazy tatts. By their demeanor and appearance, they are aware how how they project themselves publicly benefits them personally and professionally. Don't appear to be clubbers and they are intelligent to where they can carry a conversation and not rely on TV to occupy their time. They also seem to be on their phones less then others in their demographic They dress traditionally (as do their friends). It's a head scratcher why they are with RLC. 🙂
  23. Set aside that they are exhibitionists (as are all RLC participant's), this is a traditional couple. For me, doesn't get much better than that regarding viewing behavior. Might be boring for many. I find it refreshing.
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