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Everything posted by Howard

  1. You're not wrong, but in this case not necessarily right. Paul's libido is almost as low as Joe Biden's poll ratings. It's rare he initiates sex.
  2. Let's all take a moment and reflect that it was PAUL who initiated sex. That's like Biden making a coherent sentence (rarely happens).
  3. Looks like Paul brought up GoogleMaps on the cell to find his way to Leora's garage.
  4. Sometimes the sizzle is better then the steak. Gotta give these two a couple more weeks to re-adjust being a couple. So far, expectations have been met. Paul's libido hasn't changed. But he does take more naps then I remember. Again, it's only been a week.
  5. Is one of them transitioning from male to female? Serious question.
  6. Based on some recent posts, they should be worried about stalkers.
  7. Paul in bed cuddling with Eva while a seductive Leora is beside him. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
  8. That's nit-picking. Her behavior - especially the last three weeks, dictated he was on his way. But read back to other "assumptions and scenarios".. vast majority were rubbish. And for those angered at my previous post really has personal issues needing to be addressed. Leora (as we have been calling her) decides WHAT the viewing public will know. Most everything else, based on her verbal communication and what those on-line have translated, have been 'magnified', some may say exaggerated, to say the least.
  9. I don't live and breathe the apartment or looking into what their real names and occupations are like you and some others. That behavior should be addressed in a forum dealing with psychology. When you have to insult someone, swear, and give the the proverbial 'fuck you', that weakens your argument and solidifies my opinion. The focus now should be re-directed on the viewers psychological issues. Again, for another forum.
  10. BTW...what ya'll are seeing now in the apartment is why not to believe 99% of what people interpret in conversation. She didn't break up with Paul, she didn't have a boy-toy, and so on. I'll give her credit for gong to a strange place, making a few rubles, and keeping the flame alive between her and Paul while being many miles apart. Skype may have made the separation easier, but it was still challenging on many levels. I think she's capable of much more then displaying her ass on camera. But she gets brownie points for being a strong, independent, strong-minded woman for how she lived the past +/- 2 years; including playing fake lesbian (to keep the cash coming in). Doesn't matter if *I* agreed with it or not. She survived. She's happy. They should enjoy the next few weeks together, care free, Then decide what the next step is in their lives (off camera).
  11. Absolutely. Even though we're only a few day in, she's much happier. It's as if she re-discovered a purpose in life (considering the circumstances). Again, too early to tell if this will be deja-vu from 20 months ago. But the apartment's dynamic has certainly changed.
  12. And Venera & Lion. Both are romantics, she is sensual, sexual, a tight body, and most important...it's all good to the last drop 😀.
  13. In the 2-3 days, Paul has already brought some stability (and dare I say routine) in Leora's life, starting with going to sleep at a decent hour (two nights in a row!). On a side note, Leora has reminded us of the motherly nature within her, as she bathes, grooms, and cares for Eva. I know of friends who after getting married, they would get a dog to 'learn' of the responsibilities they will have once they had a baby. I don't see them starting a family soon. But it will happen as that is the natural progression for most relationships.
  14. That tiny apartment would easily rent for $3,000/month in Los Angeles, New York, or San Francisco.
  15. Good observation. But over time, like most couples, they will distance a bit. The next 2-4 weeks is key. We will see if his behavior goes back to what we remember. Or, both will grow closer. I think the adjustment for both will be short.
  16. Eva must still be jet-lagged. She slept through it all.
  17. If I knew her mailing address, I would send her a box of hair ties.
  18. If your fantasy involves him bent over the railing and Mr. Pink 'seducing' Paul, get off this forum NOW! 🙂
  19. Still have not read a logical reason why they chose the guest room and not the (more comfortable) bedroom. When Paul visited many months ago, they did the nasty in the bedroom. Don't think Eva is the reason the bedroom isn't used.
  20. That subject has been beaten to death. Accept that the dude has a low libido and at times, moves like a turtle with the motivation of a sloth. She loves him. She's happy. He's happy. Eva's happy. The goldfish (they're getting a goldfish, right?)..the goldfish will be happy. Life is good.
  21. Ae you sure? Never saw an engagement ring (if these young folks still hold to tradition).
  22. A couple things of note: Leora usually doesn't orgasm during sex. She did this time...and in less time then if bating. Paul has been lifting weights. Eva got chubby and still uncoordinated when it comes to jumping up on a bed/sofa. Leora hasn't been this happy in a long time. Eva snores. Watch their behavior over the next 10-14 days. There has to be some adjustments on both their parts as they get re-introduced to living with each other. Either they pick up where they left off two years ago, or they will start getting into arguments. Love is a wonderful thing. One lesson (reminder) here, after 2 years apart, is how important emotion is in everything you do with a partner. Bating isn't nearly as satisfying then having that emotional bond with someone when having sex.
  23. What is the symbolism that they shagged in the guest room and not the bedroom?
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