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Everything posted by Howard

  1. She appears to be more 'happy' with him then not happy. She's also (generally) content and not necessarily aware her quality of life could be better. To answer your question "...what exactly do you know", you just need to observe and study behavior. The benefit of being the fly outside the RLC bubble is we can study behavior. The dude is a lazy house husband. He walks the dogs, goes on a bike ride daily around the city, naps 3 hours a day, then plays 3-4 hours of video games from 11P - 3A. They have sex, but they don't make love (where's the passion?). If the roles were reversed, I'd be OK with that as long as Martina's behavior doesn't mimic Alberto's behavior (i.e. she worked ). Martina, on the other hand, is bettering herself academically. When home, if she's not opening a book, her down time is spending time with house husband on the sofa (vs house husband spending time with Martina - there is a difference!). If it wasn't for Martina's participation in RLC, how would house husband survive? He has potential and behavior modification for him wouldn't be drastic to make this relationship more 50/50 then 25/75.
  2. What a terrible house husband. Martina should take his smelly kimono and throw it off the balcony.
  3. In that situation, you would have to ask yourself why? Have you been less attentive to her? That would be my primary guess. But as I mentioned a few days ago, it could be she has matured *for the lack of a better word) to where she wants to explore - which has nothing to do with how well your relationship is going. That's my guess. Martina wants to explore her sexuality. On the flip side, house husband's lack of attention to her may have pushed her to explore other opportunities. In a relationship, its when you do something for someone else that is an inconvenience to you is a sure sign how deep your love is. I rarely have seen that from house husband.
  4. Come on, man! You make it sound like we all desire to be w/ Martina. Sorry to burst your bubble, but my g/f is more attractive then her. She also doesn't drink to excess, smoke, or feel the need to bate in front me while I hold my schlong. Martina - many times she would rather get herself off (with the house husband standing by looking like a lamp post w/ a dick in hand), then rely on him for her to get her cookie.
  5. It's 5:00 PM local time and this is what the house husband has been doing...almost daily. It's tough playing video games until 4:00 AM! Have some sympathy, people!! What situation??? That he doesn't work and appears to be leeching off Martina's RLC gig? Or that Martina is getting attention elsewhere and finding woman as much (or more so) attractive then the lazy house husband? The situation actually appears to be a problem. That problem is that lazy-ass stump on the couch. That 'problem' needs to do some self-reflection or he and his bike may eventually hitch up to an outdoor bike rack...permanently. House-Husband IBB.CO Image House-Husband hosted in ImgBB
  6. Give him some slack??? The dude is a house-husband. He needs to surrender his man card immediately.
  7. RLC is still a crappy service. They originally marketed the service as a voyeurs' cam site, where you can look in on what happens naturally with the participants. They eventually prepared a quasi-script for some and now you have girls (at their choice if they want to continue living w/ a roof over their heads), pretending to be lesbians (ref: Leora & Malia). Or you have girls who purposely place their hoo-haa in front of the camera as they bate. Linda and Tibor, Alberto & Martina appear (98%) genuine as we look in on their daily lives. That Nelly & Martina hooked up was not in the RLC script - it just happened.
  8. I agree and w/ Alberto, I agree he often lets Martina get herself off after he's finished.
  9. Tibor's sex drive can be off the charts. But look at Linda! She can make a gay man 'straight'.
  10. Someone mentioned we're playing the 'speculation' game. I'd rather say many of us are observing the makings of a train wreck. It's obvious he only pays attention to her (95% of the time) at his convenience. He's home all day (I don't think he works). He could play the games when she's out of the house (not when she's asleep). On the flip side, she wants to live life. Her eyes and mind (and heart) found new things to experience. I'm 98% certain this wouldn't be the situation for a 25 year old if she had a typical teen-age childhood. I applaud her for new experiences and I condemn him for being oblivious to the deep rooted reasons why she wants more out of life.
  11. As for her in bed and he playing games, that's all on him. If you don't constantly nurture a relationship, its bound to fail. There's nothing romantic about playing video games until 4AM. At the very least, if he was playing a game on his laptop while she was beside him in bed watching a movie on her laptop,... Not ideal, but better then being in separate rooms.
  12. If she met him at 15, and even if he's only 3 years older, tells me she denied herself many life experiences a typical teen-age girl would have.
  13. Amen! My g/f falls into that category. She has to have some light make-up on and lip gloss just to walk 25 feet out the front door, to the street and get the mail.
  14. Dozens of PMs you're receiving to give an OnlyFans page. You deserve the spam you're getting. Just post it in the forum. Of course, all those horndogs asking haven't realized its cheaper/more advantages to join RLC then one person's OF page. Horndogs....gotta love their simple minds.
  15. I think Martina loves Alberto. With that out of the way... Over the past several months, I think Martina has exposed herself to new things - one being Nelly and their affection for the other, the other being hanging around a bunch of girls her age (aka a slumber party). We don't know Martina's upbringing. My hunch is it was somewhat unsupervised (that's often one foundation for girls who will parade naked in front of strangers). I think her new social group & Nelly as a bang buddy has opened her eyes that there is more to life than being exclusive w/ Alberto. My father use to say when someone is curious and care-free, he/she is running on loose threads. I think the buttons on Martina's clothes are loose and she's not ready to bring out the needle and thread.
  16. Various 3rd party sites upload many videos 1-5 days after the 'event' occurred. No doubt if they are not owned by RLC, RLC has significant influence on what gets posted. I believe that's called an 'arrangement'.
  17. People who want to be environmentalists makes me puke! Ideologists who have not a FUCKING CLUE how the (business) world works. That's all I have to say about that.
  18. When it's Friday night and you think you're too fat and ugly to get a date. (Content No Longer Available)
  19. I think some people's issue with Leora is, she's out of the apartment over the weekend, when RLC viewership is the highest. As for being complacent, 100% agree but for different reasoning. She likes RLC because she can live in a bubble with little responsibilities for being a contributing member of society (or personal growth). She's making $$$ and living rent free. Not that I think she's (kind of) lazy, but she's become accustomed to doing very little to progress day-to-day. All she needs to do is bate and get paid. Bate and get paid. Bate and get paid (and so on). Her growth as a woman not only has been limited, but compared to her past activities, its regressed. She doesn't read, she doesn't paint and rarely cooks (its easier to get take-out). She relies on visual stimulation (iPad or iPhone), which doesn't do very much for creativity or growth. Further, her reliance on RLC and refusal to grow as a person is apparent with her "lesbian antics" with Malia. They touch each other (never kiss, hug, or show affection) because that's her progression to remain in the RLC bubble and not live a life of reality and responsibility. Ya'll see her as a pretty woman to lust for. But of course! That's why you tune in. But I also see her wasting away and quite frankly, a disappointment. *I* think she's better than that, but too far deep in the RLC (porn) environment to see what great possibilities are available for her on the outside.
  20. These people have a life outside the house. Maybe she has part time work, maybe visiting her mom/dad, maybe has the afternoon shift at the local Hooters. Meanwhile from what I see, he stays home like a wimp (no job, nothing in his daily life to be proud of, etc). But as I said, I haven't watched them for very long.
  21. They had sex last weekend. He also had difficulty maintaining an erection. After some TLC from Loraine, he was able to stay hard and came on her stomach. Carlos often has the same problem with Claire and sometimes Gina's shit-eater boyfriend.. Maybe its anxiety because of the cameras.
  22. It's been an hour since Anthony failed to perform and Loraine had to take matters in her own hands. During the past hour, they have sat about four feet apart on the bed and have spoken little to each other. Certainly if there is any disappointment/embarrassment, it will pass. But until then,... AWKWARD!!
  23. Leora can be an enigma. She's watching a movie on her phone while bating (not petting the kitty, but bating). The final two minutes, she'll put the phone down and finish the rub. For ya'll who don't fantasize about her, she exhibits acceptable behavior. But for most who desire a girl like her and see themselves with her, it's an ingenuine (offensive) bate. It's the bate that says 'thanks for subscribing - here is what you paid for'. Thankfully, she doesn't break the fourth wall.
  24. Once again we will have to agree to disagree. 😀 I think she's gorgeous....stunning. She moves like a dancer. Her movements are fluid and she shows passion and sophistication. If there is a fault (from what I perceive), she comes off as high maintenance. But that's an unfair characterization as I have only watched her for about three weeks.
  25. Unless Anthony has a physical ailment, he can't stay hard to please Loraine. Watching them for 25 minutes having a nice, passionate session and he can't keep a stiffie; and kudos to Loraine for being understanding and trying to boost his limp wiener. He eventually stopped and left the room why she reached for a toy to satisfy herself. I think I feel as bad for her as I do for him. He needs to get himself checked out.
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