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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Malia is wearing a large bow in her hair. That's a sign its gonna get juicy later tonight!
  2. I live in Los Angeles. I've seen some weird shit. This is weird shit.
  3. I haven't watched these two but for three weeks. I think she's high. I also think she's in a relationship she doesn't know how to get out of.
  4. Did she eat, smoke or swallow something prior? It looked like she was uneasy about the sex from the start.
  5. I understand getting hungry after their "intimate" bate session. But Leora ain't gonna lose the flab eating after dinner. I suggest another session to burn off those calories.
  6. Do those hairbands give them extra-sensory orgasms? Asking for a friend.
  7. I wasn't insulting you. Wiki is not a reliable source for most everything (as many people can alter information on any Wiki page w/o verification). Wiki might be good for peripheral information, but it isn't necessarily a source to find truth. Even Merriam-Webster has no defined interpretation for cancel-culture. Its origins go to the #MeToo movement, of which that movement has stated many falsehoods. My definition of cancel-culture is taking what has been 'the norm', or accepted by society for generations, that now a minority few, but with a loud voice, find offensive or object to its concept, and thus want to eliminate it. For example, the change of Aunt Jemima syrup (and it's logo), now being called Pearl Milling Company. Pepsi, which owns the brand, said it no longer represented their core values to appease the loudmouths (yet 56% 1,600 African-Americans surveyed in the USA, who buy the syrup had no objections to the name or logo). But cancel-culture made their voices heard and the Aunt Jemima syrup, and the branded and recognition it HAD that has been around for 130 years, is now the Pearl Milling Company. That's like the next time you cut your flinger, you'll ask for an adhesive bandage and not a Band-Aid (because Aid might be synonymous with those who have contracted AIDS and thus, people using Band-Aids may be perceived to have an incurable virus). Yea, you laugh now, but it's not out of the realm of possibility. Sorry ya'll for the misplaced, long rant. Back to normal programming.
  8. Cancel culture has taken on a variety of definitions and applications (social, political, professional). That you have to go to Wikipedia for a definition to quote (Wikipedia,...really?!?!),... Its a discussion for another forum.
  9. I disagree. IMO, that's your perception that indirectly, RLC likes to hear (read). Leora may not like being alone on a regular basis (who among us does), but she didn't miss Malia (in a sexual nature, of which I assume you're implying). Keep in mind, they have never been passionate to each other. The mutual masturbation is only a money directive (YFMV - your fantasy may vary).
  10. You put yourself out there for the world to see your vulnerabilities, its expected to receive criticisms. Whether professional athletes like it or not, if they put themselves on the world's stage, they are role models. I'm not saying Leora is a role model for doing naked things on cam (Hell no!). But she must accept (expect) the good w/ the bad of what is written of her - especially since she is being paid for doing what she does (just as an athlete is). Her best recourse is not logging into CC and keep her nose focused in her tablet watching Russian parliament proceedings.
  11. She needs to cut down on the calories and take exercising seriously. More cardio and less stretching topless in front of the window. She remains hot, but for a 29 yr old, her arms are in the early stages of looking like tree trunks. #flabby
  12. Those who have been around for a bit, remain subscribers hoping something will eventually happen. As for newbies, the possibilities...the anticipation they will lick each other to the world of unknown ecstasy is as enticing as ever. ...and RLC (and the girls, who fear life outside the bubble), hear that ca$h register ring and ring and ring.
  13. My remarks were not directed at you. Just the general CC populous who, if they found it offensive, then my post holds true.
  14. There's no passion between the two. It's 100% mechanical for your viewing pleasure. Not only have they never hugged or kissed passionately, they don't share a bed. These two ONLY make sense from a monetary perspective. If this is how viewers (mostly) get off on watching these two interact, then you (figurately) have similar psychological and/or social issues as they do. In other words, re-evaluate your own mental health and get yourself to a better. Life (and sex) is more fun with passion (and w/ someone else).
  15. Another observation regarding RLC (and more so VH): All these hook-ups....95% of these couples don't kiss during sex (or just before/after). There's no emotional bond between the guys/gals. Nellie & Bogden, Linda and Tibor, Martina & Alberto - these couples are passionate. Just about every other couple, it's a "fuck-me-for-room-and-board-while-on-cam' arrangement. A sad reflection on the mindset of 20 yr olds who (I assume), don't look far into their future other then what their next meal will be.
  16. FWIW...Leora was texting on her phone the past couple nights for 3...4+ hours. Last night, she didn't fall asleep until 5:15AM local time. What did she (and all these gals) do 15 years ago when texting wasn't popular (or was it even available)?. I'll tell you...they would sit in front of the mirror trying on different shades of lipstick and rouge. 😆
  17. Foolish random observation and (semi-heavy) thoughts: Also, indulge me for introducing some "thinking" into this forum besides nudity or bating. There are approximately 22 girls on RLC. Only 3 (including Leora and Malia), from what I can see, do not have a navel piercing or tattoo. Would it be fair to assume that 75% of single women in Russia/Europe under 30 have either a navel piercing or tattoo? As oppose to that number being reversed pre-1990 (that 75% had neither a tattoo or piercing). Lastly, why is it the social norm today to have a piecing or tattoo (I have neither)?
  18. I've seen them use dildos before. But not manual stimulation on each other.
  19. Well, that took me by surprise. I think this took their friendship to another level (I don't recall ever seeing "hand-to-hand" enjoyment previously). 🙂 (Content No Longer Available)
  20. Imagine if Leora did one, strong poke. Would love to see Malia's reaction (her eyes would bulge out in delight). (Content No Longer Available)
  21. The point being is the relationship isn't working. I was w/ a gal for 18 months. We didn't yell at each other. We liked each other enough to tolerate each other, and we always had a "date" (each other), but it wasn't love. We then started getting on each others nerves and almost simultaneously, reality set it and we realized that emotional bond wasn't there. He's a boy toy. As long as there is sex, he'll put up with her. And until she realizes that true love doesn't exist in this relationship (assuming that's the case and she wants true love), she'll break it off. Meanwhile, her mind remains clouded being in the RLC bubble.
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