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Everything posted by Howard

  1. She's not only sore, but she and Nelly may be "stretched out' more then usual. Go down on either, say a couple words, and you might hear an echo! Probably waiting for that natural elasticity to return. 😁
  2. I just noticed Nelly has a bad scab (bruise?) on her left knee - no doubt from the "playful' sex shw had with Martina. Hmm...that could either be hazard pay coming to her, or she may have a workers compensation claim against RLC. 😁
  3. This is humotous... When I named the file, I had a Bob Saget podcast playing in the background (his guest was talking about pot belly pigs). I subconsciously gave that name to the file so it wouldn't be deleted from the server (instead of giving it a female name). Leora could stand to get toned (I've said so in the past). But she's not pudgy. Its just the name that came to mind at that moment.
  4. Any idea where Malia was the night before? I see less emotion from her. I sense she's tired.
  5. Whatever perks/bonus they may get has to be tied into viewership. So yes, if Martina decided on a regular basis to have sex with women (on her channel), viewership would go up as possibly her pay. Let's take that a step further. If Alberto was out of the apartment and just Martina, the channel would do juuuuust fine. Reality is (and the egos of guys may not want to admit this), their women can do fine w/o them on RLC (of course, I'm not factoring the emotional equation of being in a relationship).
  6. Martina and Alberto have a solid relationship. They (mostly Martina) flirts with him throughout the day. With that said, I'm sure he knows/knew Martina has desires for Nelly AND was to act on it last night. I think his libido can handle it.
  7. Typically, eat the carbs an hour BEFORE a good bate! (Content No Longer Available)
  8. Martina went after Nelly like a wolverine. Full-on attack for 3-4 hours once they got into the bedroom. No way either girl will walk right for next couple days.
  9. They've been at it for about 4 hours. Their passion can be edited into a 3 part mini-series. I expect both will walk like bow-legged Indians for the next couple days.
  10. From what I have seen (so far), both have come at least 5 times (and working on #6). Martina is insatiable.
  11. Don't forget - Obama had no foreign policy. And aon top of that, he appointed lazy John Kerry as Sec of State, who said there would never be peace in the middle east. What was that you say? Jared Kushner brokered a peace deal between Israel and FOUR Arab nations. Kushner, who had no political background. Kushner, nominated for a Nobel for brokering the deal (to this day, nobody knows why Obama received a Nobel). Our country has always thrived more with a Republican in the big chair. You can't dispute the facts.
  12. Umm...it seems the states have control of what happens w/ Covid. I'm in Kalifornia, where local and state govt have royally screwed up handling Covid. As has NY, Oregon - most of the liberal run states haven't dealt w/ Covid well. As for the federal govt & Covid, how did Trump screw up? Because Faucci keeps changing his tune like a cheap piano? Don't wear a mask...wear a mask...don't need to social distance...yes, go and social distance. Truth is, I lay little blame on anyone in authority dealing directly with the disease. It's a once-in-a-life-time event that there is no playbook to refer to. But I do blame local and state govts who closed down schools, restaurants, gyms, theatres - most anything to do with commerce, they shut down IGNORING THE SCIENCE. Back to Trump, got the vaccine out before the end of the year (yet its Biden taking credit for it). If Biden wasn't wearing Depends, he'd soil his shorts every two hours.
  13. This is where we will agree to disagree. Biden hasn't done anything to better the US position in the world. If anything, what he's done is cost us money. 99% of what Biden's puppeteers have done so far, has cost the US money (at the very least) If you think the Palestinians deserve any rights to land in Israel, read the history of the Palestinians going back to the 1930s. Start with Lebanon and its neighboring countries and how "well' they treated their brothers and sisters. They don't want peace. They don't want to live civilly with Israelis. Arafat was given 95% of what he asked for 20+ years ago - and he refused the offer. Why?? Because their economy is based on war, as is taught to their children to hate and be militant starting at 5 yrs old IMO, if you don't see Israel as an asset, you're anti-Semitic. 'nuff said.
  14. Biden has the media hatred towards Trump, to thank for his presidency. Biden rarely stepped out of the basement. Biden rarely held a news conference (his handlers knew better then to let him loose in front of a mic). Yes, I think the election was rigged as not only was a ballot mailed to practcially every physical address in the nation, but it's hard to fathom that while his rallies would get a few dozen in attendance, Trumps would be in the thousands. That the courts didn't want to hear Trumps legal team on this matter is purely because they knew there would be unrest (by liberals) if found that there was tampering. Better to let the sleeping dog lie. Trump didn't incite the riot. There is video proof he told them to peacefully and respectfully demonstrate, unlike Pelosi, Shumacher or Maxine Waters who encouraged rioters in Portland, Seattle, Oakland, etc. Biden has little accomplished in 47 years. And it won't be him who accomplishes anything soon (it will be the puppeteer and a select few who run the DNC). If you actually think Biden is of sound mind, then you're an emotional supporter. Facts say otherwise.
  15. Surprised she came back. I felt certain going out of the house braless, she was hot-n-horny for boy-toy. I read that wrong (I doubt she did a quickie). Anyone see her walk back in the apartment? Did she bring anything with her?
  16. Gotta disagree. But instead of recognizing Trumps accomplishments in those 4 short years (in comparisons to Obama or Clinton), Lets countdown Biden's accomplishments during his 47 years in politics. #1: On another matter, Trump looked at value. What value has the UN or WHO brought to the US? Look back the past 25 years and you will see the US continued to financially support such organizations, but got little back in return. As for Iran, thankfully, Israel (at least we assume) is "nuclear-ready". Also, thankfully, they have excellent military intelligence and MORE experienced with pre-emptive strikes (and of course territorial defense) then any other nation (including the US). If not for this one piece of fact, Iran would have gone into their country. Instead, they go thru channels funding Hamas, what's left of the PLO, etc. ne more thing: Kamala Harris. I live in California. Do you know how she earned the right to be where she is today? Look it up. Otherwise, I'd have to start a new forum to explain what a worthless, sleeps-her-way-into-politics-of-a-human being she is (not to mention providing early release to convicted criminals (of which 82% of those she granted early release, committed another felony within the first 24 months). Look it up - all the information is available from a variety of respected sources.
  17. Janice Dean, the (cable) Fox News weather person, should receive the bulk of praise for now having several federal agencies look into Cuomo's Covid scandals. In case ya'll are not aware, her elderly in-laws died because they were forced to share living facilities in a retirement home at the peak of 'Covid'.
  18. When you start a rebuttal with an insult, you've lost the argument. Your foundation becomes based on emotion and not facts. There's nothing but stubbornness within you no matter what facts are presented. Makes it nearly impossible to have an intelligent, open minded discussion.
  19. Come on, man! AOC did squat. She may have placed a call to an assistant (while she hiding under a desk while the Capital was "under seize". Oh wait...she wasn't at the Capital). Beto made a call (unlike what Cruz could have done no matter where he was). The optics are not good for Cruz going out of state. Media is putting it on blast because he's a conservative. But if he was able to do something, it could have easily been done telephonically. Hmm...I don't recall the MSM going after AOC for her lie of NOT being in the Capital. It was the conservative media that ran w/ the story. Not even MSNBC made a mention of it (surprise, surprise!).
  20. BTW...with the Dems in control for the next 2 years, we're not hearing how much FAT...PORK is in the next stimulus package. Unless its Trump in power, the MSM won't give the time of day to an elected republican to publicize the unnecessary crap in this package. Meanwhile, Biden stops the border wall, welcomes illegal immigration (adding to our taxes going HIGHER then expected due to Covid relief packages), stops the pipeline (in southern California, cost of a gallon of gas has increased at least one cent daily the past 39 days). I can go on but that's enough to soak in. Rarely has anything good come from a Democratic administration. Historically, it usually takes the following Republican administration to clean up the past (democratic) administrations actions; as Trump did with Obama, Bush 43 did w/ Clinton (not as much because Clinton turned into a moderate during his 2nd term). Reagan had to clean up Carter's embarrassing term in office, and so on. History, if not documented by far left leaning liberals, will show how much Trump was able to accomplish in four years. He didn't divide the country - the liberal media did it in anger against Trump.
  21. What can Cruz do regarding the weather and helping Texans? Never heard of a Senator having the power (or coordinate resources) to help state citizens. That lies more on local and state authorities. Should federal wish to step in, word-salad Biden and his puppeteer need to make an appearance.
  22. Long time to put on make-up. Dressed in black panties, black bra, and black leather throughout (dressed to fuck). Undresses, takes a shower. Changes into blue jeans and a red top (no bra). Looks better then all black. Shpritz on perfume, puts on a watch, a daily warm jacket, and leaves the apartment (wearing a mask). Conclusion: At first, dressed to impress. Then decided to play the "casual wear' game to visit boy-toy. She might be home this evening (didn't take any clothes with her).
  23. I'm seeing other channels within the RLC unaversive having paired up women giving rub downs to each other (doesn't lead to anything). Makes me wonder how troubled their backgrounds may be if, not generally sexually attracted to other women, they resort to fake-lesbian behavior (for a lack of a better term) to keep a roof over their heads. Their future gets more dim by the day, 😞
  24. I assume there must be an affiliation between Hotscopes and VH, RLC, etc. Or....Hotscopes is a subsidiary of one of the cam sites.
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