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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Did you just give us too much information? Are you the 8 year old?! 🤣
  2. She isn't sub-servient. Leora has trad-wife qualities (which I find attractive). She cleans up after him, cooks for him (when she feels like cooking), irons his clothes. She's liberal in the sense that she's a quasi-woke 32 year old gal who gets naked and bates for everyone to see. He is more dependent on her financially. What they don't think is coming 0 what happens when her looks start going south, her boobs and butt cheeks droop, and the RLC money will dry up (and she's headline the cam site "RLC for Seniors". 🙂) Seriously, what skills does she AND he have outside the home that can provide for two people if they lived a normal life (i.e. pay market rent, health insurance, etc.). I'm confident they haven't thought what will be of their lives a few short years from now.
  3. A childhood friend had a thriving business (grossing as much as $550,000/yr with two on staff) since 2011 repairing iPods and iPhones in southern California. Now, we know what happened to the iPod. As for iPhones, I don't recall why but demand for repairs fell dramatically since iPhone 11 (2018 - not pandemic-related). His opinion was that the iPhone was no longer an investment. People treated it as if it breaks, just get another (as everything is cloud based). Also phone companies in the US gave an allowance to replace a phone so minimal need to repair. He closed his business start of the pandemic (summer 2020). It was still profitable, it just wasn't making enough money worth continuing.
  4. Pulo: You seem to be one of the biggest Leora fans in this forum. You need to contact people at Guinness Book of World Records and nominate (promote) Leora for the record of having the most masturbation events as an amateur on a live cam site. 11.5 years x 5/week (that's approximately 260 bates/yr) 2,990 bates (and counting). https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/records/the-application-process
  5. Have you seen him (on cam) get physical w/ Leora (we all complain he rarely touches her!). Like anyone who has done a wrong until he repeats it, you give him the benefit of the doubt. He hasn't repeated the action, who is to say he will again...or never will? If it has been 20 years since you cheated on a girlfriend, who is to say it will/will not happen again. We all live in other people's judgement by our past actions. How YOU move on from that is a personal choice.
  6. If you battle common ethical and moral codes as it pertains to inter-personal behavior, I agree. But I know many who errored once, learned from it, never to make the same error again. I thought it was common knowledge that we learn from our mistakes (most of the time).
  7. Kind of agree. forgive but not forgotten. With that said, he's been a good boy since,.No reason to give him a label as an abuser. When I was nine years old, one summer I would ride my bike a mile from home, would go to a drug store weekly and steal a candy bar - does that make me a thief to this day? Lazy, dumbshit, weak-minded, confused, unmotivated, clueless, dumbfounded - these are labels he earns weekly. But to label him an abuser due to one incident??? No. It was a moment of anger that he regrets and has learned from.
  8. Confused... She's crying because he cheated...she cheated... realization there's no going back? We've all had a couple hard break-ups. But her behavior is like a bad Brady Bunch episode.
  9. If she's crying over a man, she's more damaged than we thought.
  10. You're on the right track. Leora needs to get FUCKED by Sasha while Paul watches. He's bound to learn something, and she'll be sore for a week.
  11. Paul knows what's going on and he's thankful to continue riding the gravy train. This lets him off the hook 5 days of the week from sex.
  12. With some professional training, she could make it as a dancer at a nudie bar. Does a decent job of seduction. Al Bundy would approve.
  13. That red lace thing she wears as a skirt. Looks like a thrift store bargain.
  14. RLC does things stupid. They let Maya and Stephan live a sexless life on cam for 9 months (allowing the viewers to be deceived). Same to a lesser extent with Tobor and those amazing mammories.
  15. The issue isn't whether Leora or Paul is in charge. In fact, it doesn't even come into play. Leora is pretty - good body and can be sexy at times. Paul is....Paul. After 11+ years, it's time for a change (for all involved): Those two need to move on, get off camera and start a family (or whether they can do to be contributing members of society). We...we're kinda bored of them (think about it!). We'd miss them but after a month, a new hot chick would make us forget about her. I always felt Maya was more an all-around girl then Leora. But she moved on, I found others to entertain me (Max Ragner will send anyone suggestive photos of him in leather holding a whip when asked 😅), and life goes on. Vera and Lion...these two are as genuine and realistic as can be while on cam. They have outside jobs, they socialize, he's athletic, she does yoga, and so on. Linda and Tibor...whatever you think of them, these two were dating, they got married, had some problems in their relationship,...and they are evolving. Leora and Paul....they have a dog. She moved to Prague only to remain on cam. Otherwise, both are exactly where they were in life when we were first introduced to them (which includes Paul being cluless about sex). Wait! I do have to give Leora credit for discovering the use of dildos about five years ago.
  16. So...when Alberto and the Skank will play, Martina goes away? And when Martina comes back to eat, the skank runs away using her feet?
  17. About 15 years together and she still has to instruct him how to finger bang her. Paul is a disgrace to the heterosexual (and probably all binary and non-binary, transgender, queer and all other non-identifiable woke knuckleheads) male species. I think I covered everyone (expect maybe Max Wagner). 🤣
  18. She wasn't scared. During the many weeks of their fake lesbian, they deliberately took slow to keep viewers engaged...and it worked. First couple weeks heavy petting....a brush of the other's tits...a couple weeks after that they showered together...and so on. Next step would have been oral, but then I think Malia's Visa was about to expire (correct me if I'm wrong).
  19. Exactly! They were acting their part for your viewing pleasure (and to retain their viewership). But neither were genuine in what they did. They whored themselves as lesbians for $$$ (one could say unlike what Leora is doing now for $$$/viewership).
  20. What are you saying? Repost, using punctuation and correct grammar.
  21. She had to play fake lesbian as her following was diminishing.
  22. Including varicose and possible blood clots. Sexy!
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