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Everything posted by Howard

  1. (Video & Image Content No Longer Available) 2 of 3 (3 of 3 will be in the member's section)
  2. (Video & Image Content No Longer Available) 1 of 3
  3. Short clip. Let's call it The Dribbler. (Video & Image Content No Longer Available)
  4. Unless RLC doesn't allow it, I'm perplexed why Leora isn't on Chaturbate. I don't know the business model/financial applications of being on RLC or Chaturbate. But I have read that many single women on Chaturbate, as supplemental income, make $60,000/year. If just 1/2 of that was true, that's a nice chunk of change for anyone living anywhere on the planet (doing something you love to do).
  5. WTF? I think I've seen this weight reduction method advertised on TV during a re-run of The Biggest Loser. ;)
  6. Three bates within 45 minutes. Need I say more? #1 #2 (Video & Image Content No Longer Available) #3
  7. The question isn't if Nina does housework. The question is does Nina add anything to the relationship (besides drama)? As stated earlier, Kira will eventually wake up and realize she could do much, much better.
  8. That's an oxymoron as Democrat philosophy is not to fight for your rights. Dems would rather you give up your rights and trust them to make the decision for you.
  9. In all fairness (and I am a registered Republican who doesn't necessarily vote along party lines), the republicans through plenty of obstacles at the Dems when Clinton & Obama were in office. It's politics, where you do your best to throw shade in the way of the other party's agenda so they don't look good and they have ammo as the next set of elections approach. Republicans would have (& still should) rip Hillary a new one for the shit she did while campaigning (and while Sec of State). As much as the Clintons & Obama dislike eash other, Hilary serving as Sec of State was clearly a deal that was made while they were campaigning. It was also what the DNC wanted to give Hills a shot at the presidency. Anyway, I don't like it. Suck it up that your party lost, move forward and lets get things done. But when you have career politicians who know how to milk the system,.... When was the last time you saw a "poor' member of Congress or of the House? They make $174K-200K/year. Not bad but of you look at their lifestyle (kids in private schools, real estate, etc), the perks is why they want the job. And the career politicians will have higher paying jobs AFTER they get out of office (depending on which companies they helped push their agenda while serving). PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH: 100% 'nuff said. And Nikki Haley is rrrrripping it! I can see her being the Republican nominee after Trump gets re-elected (yes Dems, he'll get 4 more years because he's done more things in 15 months then Obama did in 8 years; when you compare what they promised during the campaign vs time served as POTUS.
  10. Stop talking sense, Foamy! If this continues, you can no longer be my nemesis. On a related note, Trump is a lousy human being (with no filter). But, he's like most people whether or not with money. Lies, cheats on his wife, talks locker room humor. About the only things he doesn't do like most is drink alcohol and smoke. As for PRESIDENT TRUMP, he gets an A-/B+ in my book. He's told the UN to screw itself (special mention to Nikki Haley), tore up the Paris Accord (which was garbage if anyone would dare actual READ the treaty and see how one sided it is; not to mention how little CHINA has to abide by it...several years AFTER most other countries), raised import tariffs (I would have started at 10% but the economy will eventually accept the 25% and adjust...as it always has). Made Jerusalem the recognized capital of Israel (just as the UN did back in the early 1990s). Kick up ICE procedures, MAKE AMERICA FIRST...and so on. My only major disappointment thus far is the border wall. But maybe I'm expecting too much after just 15 months and a Republican house/congress that has shown its dislike towards Trump. Why??? Because they are lifers. Trump is in and out after 4 or 8 years. If things remain copacetic, Trump will be elected because people are learning the BS of the past and they don't want to repeat it (especially the Obama years). And on a side note, more African Americans support Trump now then they did 15 months ago. Why is that??? One reason is they see more opportunity as Trump pursues tightening immigration. Another reason is they are prospering more (i.e. tax cuts) than they did under their Lord and Savior, Barack Obama (j/k). Remember, it's usually the "minor" majority that you hear moan and groan and that the media draws to. It's the quiet majority that are working, doing constructive long term items to better their lives that you will never hear from - the same people who support/voted Trump in office.
  11. I'm walking into the middle of this convo, but you're saying a hand job ISN'T cheating?! If you are committed to someone and you do something sexual to another, that's cheating. Now, if you don't consider a hand job as being sexual,...then you must be related to Bill Clinton.
  12. I am waiting for Celine Dion to pop out from under the couch. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  13. (Video & Image Content No Longer Available)
  14. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  15. (Image Content No Longer Available)
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