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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Like many of the gals, she's just "phoning it in". It's just sex.
  2. Not sure where to go with that. Looks like Stepan. Similar physique as Stepan. And now plays on the computer like Stepan. #GroundhogDay But let's turn the table: Is Maya happy? She appears happy when she's busy (i.e. building stuff). But she hasn't really been busy lately and I think less social. When was the last time she had friends at the apartment. When was the last time she dyed a friend's hair? As I said earlier, she jumped into her relationship with BT too early. She needs alone time to figure out her life independently.
  3. You don't get my sense of humor. Saying" "you can thank me now" in a relatively few of my many uploads is tongue in cheek. Those more observant figured out that catch phrase means it's a video you don't want to miss out on. And I have no doubt you've d/l the majority of videos I've posted as it seems you stalk my posts. But Scooter - if them there are fighting words,...I assume not go there. I find many of your posts mentally imbalanced & disturbing (as I've stated several times in the past).
  4. I think Maya likes the attention. Kinda domineering...as if she's sitting on his face during whoopie time.
  5. Let's talk this out... Why would RLC keep Maya for a few weeks AFTER Stepan moved out? Wouldn't it be better (cost efficient) for RLC to start fresh, boot both their asses out simultaneously and get a new couple in ASAP? After all, from a business perspective, I doubt Maya's apartment is the cash cow for RLC that it once was. Then again, I am assuming RLC has a business brain (the last 9 months of this apartment was a disaster). Nevertheless, although most everything from that past couple months has indicated she's staying put, I think she's history. I also think her boinking BT will not last beyond the next few months (mostly because he looks too much like Stepan & she got into the relationship too soon). What void does BT fill for Maya other then being a....BT? He gives her more affection but that's typical in any first year relationship. I say kick her ass out, kick his ass out and keep the dog and cats. They've been most of the entertainment the past 12 months.
  6. I've never done this before (direct you elsewhere) but may I suggest ya'll check out Eva on RLC (and this Eva isn't a dog). It seems she gets little attention and this girl has talent!! Check out the video I posted of her & Sam at
  7. This video should be MANDATORY VIEWING for every woman who wants to learn how to satisfy her man orally. Consider it a tutorial. You can thank me now. (Video & Image Content No Longer Available)
  8. So...anyone actually see them packing items in boxes? Of did they bring the boxes full of stuff INTO the apartment? Could be only one of three things: She's moving out. He's moving in. These are items they will donate to a local charity.
  9. There was a birthday celebration for her recently and Robert bought two balloons - each balloon was the number "two". I'm guessing he's 26ish (his demeanor tells me he has 3-4 years on her).
  10. I still think that she cheated on him. They stopped boinking around March and she hooked up four months later. Of course it is all assumptions I'm spewing, and I'm the first to say I haven't a FUCKING CLUE how today's generation thinks. But to hook up so soon after a break up seems odd. *I* was miserable after each of my break-ups for months. Didn't want to socialize and kept mostly to myself. Now-a-days, sex is a sport. Intimacy comes a few weeks/months AFTER the first insertion (whether "through" door #1, #2 or #3).
  11. BTW, Leora (and Paul, if we'll include him on the subject) often bates between 13:00 - 16:00 local time (of course, I'm 10,000 miles away from mother Russia and fast asleep). So if one wants to adapt their schedule to hers,...
  12. There is no evidence the dog belongs to Maya. Nevertheless, it's OBVIOUS she's not going to let the dog suffer if he's ill. If you think the dog is in a loving home, I dare not think how you were raised. Pooch gets very little affection from her. Just yesterday when Maya woke up, she came into the LR seeing the Pooch (with head gear on) sleeping on the bed - probably still recovering from the surgical procedures. One of the cats was behind him. She approached the bed, reached over the pooch to pet the cat - completely ignoring the pooch. Yea,...that's love. As for guessing what's going on, obviously you speak Russian. Let us all know what is being said.
  13. Pooch had a procedure. Looks like some things were removed from his backside and scalp. I blame Maya. Only offers the bare minimum of love to the guy. FWIW, I'm guessing pooch belongs to Stepan. But wherever he moved to, dogs are not allowed. Therefore pooch stays with Maya. Nevertheless, pooch needs a loving home - this ain't it. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  14. My gut tells me Robert is the first guy she's been with. She's 22, he's 26. Whatever the situation, it looks like she has personal growth ahead of her. Not saying she is immature - just doesn't appear to be experienced in 'life'.
  15. If you compare her to two years ago, you can see it's been 'enhanced'. Still, not a butt I'd throw out of my bed. :) On a related note, she is approximately 26 yrs old and as far as we know, doesn't exercise on a regular basis. Because of her age, IMO her butt should look the same throughout her 20s. If she would only exercise regularly,...
  16. He had a toy animal (pig?) in his hand that would make noise whenever he squeezed it. For some reason, that either sparked an argument or fueled the argument. They ended up on opposite sides of the bed.
  17. ..and an hour later. This is NOT a Norman Rockwell painting. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  18. New pussy in da house. (Image Content No Longer Available)
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