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Everything posted by Howard

  1. I like fruit with my cottage cheese. :-) I like the girl but that is not a flattering leotard.
  2. Sad dog. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  3. Just putting this out there... I think once Maya is 100% sure Boy-Toy and her are long term, she'll move out, move in with him and b-bye RLC. As it is, she spends about 25% of her time sleeping at his place. Feel bad for the cats & pooch as she's ignoring them (especially the dog) more then any previous time.
  4. Pooch #1 checking out new pooch #2. Leora & Paul are not giving #2 much attention. Either they are only pooch sitting or allowing new member of the family to nap.
  5. She swallowed early in her relationship with Stepan. She would also dress up in naughty attire.
  6. Some people use a phone to surf the net or watch YouTube. I'm old-school - I use it mostly to make/receive calls and occasionally listen to podcasts. I surf on a desktop PC. And when I get wild and crazy, I'll use a tablet.
  7. Trump will not be impeached. There hasn't been solid proof of any wrongdoing. People think there has because the liberal machine is working overtime putting such thoughts in people's minds. And that's what the liberal machine does best - think for the people and not allow then to think for themselves. But on a related note, what about TRUMP do people not like? Seriously,...He's a shmuck - he's a pompous ass (that I voted for). Not because of his personality or terribly flawed character, but I like much of what he said while running for office. I wanted someone in office who thought politically as I do and someone who doesn't fear confrontation. Obama was terrific...as a family man. But his policies were flawed. Obama was owned. Trump..not so much.** Trump...14 months later, he has or is trying to implement the policies he ran on. I like the idea of the wall. My parents were holocaust survivors - took them 4 1/2 years from the day they applied to get on a boat and come to Ellis Island. Family, moral and ethical values were much stronger in the 50s & 60s when immigration was controlled. Tariffs on certain imports - why not? The US keeps giving away the store! As soon as Wall Street adjusts to the benefits it will have for the economy (which they will), we'll see how well it benefits all. Israel: Take away whatever emotion you have about religion (as that's the reason Abbas & crew...and Iran want Israel destroyed) and set it aside for a moment. Israel has done more for the world progressively, socially and economically in its 70 yrs of existence than ANY COUNTRY has within said amount of time & within modern times. Can that be said about Iran, Syria, Lybia, etc.? All while having bombs thrown their way! Abbas pays an average of $2 million to the families of suicide bombers. Yes...dude blows himself up somewhere in Israel and Abbas pays his family $2 million over a ten year period. Despite Obama's hatred to the country, Israel thrived (much of that thanks goes to AIPAC and its members). With Trump in charge, Israel can move further w/o fear that the US doesn't have its back. Liberals can't go after Trump's economics as their 401Ks and investments increased 20% and more in 2017 (in 2017 my 401s and mutual funds went up 27% on a relatively conservative-based investment structure). So they get the gossip machine running on Russia. Trump cares little what the establishment thinks. He's not a career politician (obvious by how unpolished he is). He rubs many people the wrong way. Has said a few things that makes me cringe. But the majority of his policies (implemented so far) are good for the USA. **It takes about 20 yrs to see if policies implement by a president were good or bad for the USA. People felt Bush 43 was a lame president. But we're starting to see that while 9/11 did dictate his presidency, his strengths was w/ keeping the USA safe. As for 9/11, those signs of it coming go as far back as what CLINTON DIDN"T DO - but that's for another discussion. It will take 15-20 yrs to see what the Obama affect had on the US. But we already know Obamacare is a failure. Again, discussion for another forum.
  8. https://www.bandicam.com/ If you can afford RLC membership, you can afford Bandicam (it can block out your ID). Buy it. Learn it (it's a no brainer). Use it.
  9. Is there a tutorial how to post video in the forum? Would much rather do that than provide a link.
  10. Has anyone seen Lana give Robert oral? I've seen several vids of them together and have yet seen it.
  11. Good point! Maya use to put little shoes and a sweater on the dog during the winter when she'd take him out. I think now-a-days, 95% she will bundle up wearing several layers of clothes but only put a leash on the dog.
  12. So, you're saying his emotions are divided between Nina and Serena; which is why he may have performance issues??? IMO, I don't think he has true feelings for either one. He's in the game for as long as either (or both) will play with him. Both girls are insatiable and screw him mostly for his dick - when it will answer the call. There may be some feelings either girl has for him but they are not long term. I don't think either girl is looking for a man. They just want dick (and free rent/utilities).
  13. I'm not sure what your message is. On a related note, I'm close to twice his age and can stay hard. He seems to have a difficult time getting and sometimes maintaining a stiffy.
  14. I feel bad for the dog. Maya takes him out twice a day to pee/poop but never interacts with him in the house. But if one of the cats is within eyesight, she'll grab him, play with him, cuddle him and give him all kinds of love. I'd give Maya a grade of C- as far as being a pet owner. It's much easier to have cats then dogs. And as a dog owner, she stinks! ...and that's all I have to say about that.
  15. Video is from earlier today. Could only catch the LR tease before having to do errands. She completed the 'task at hand' in the bathroom. (Video & Image Content No Longer Available)
  16. So now you're comparing yourself to a dictionary. You jumped the shark. I'm done. The last word is yours.
  17. I suddenly have the urge to go back to school.
  18. If I may chime in, here's how to solve the problem: ADDRESS THE MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE that has fallen on society since the de-funding of government programs back in the 1980s. There weren't these mass shootings in the 1950s, 60s, 70s (and prior). There were plenty of guns available (it was much easier to own a gun pre1968 than today). The continuing moral & ethical decay of society is at fault - and that includes not addressing society's mental health problem. Bad guys don't obey laws. Age restriction on firearm purchases, making obtaining ammo more difficult, outlaw ARs - that's not going to stop idiots from doing bad things with a firearm. I'm tired of law abiding citizens having to make concessions in their life because government doesn't address why shit happens!! Teachers should teach - not be armed. OK to have armed, uniformed security guards but only if government simultaneously addresses the mental health crisis throughout the country. BAND-AIDs don't work! Attack the root of the problem (mental health) and we will all be better off.
  19. I made no mention about FACT in my original post. Just made a statement that your post is worthless without a photo. Everything you project after that you take offense. Possibly because what I said makes sense! No need to go off on a tangent. Take it as constructive criticism. Still, don't understand the value of saying (or implying) that someone bated and you (or anyone) doesn't post a photo. How difficult is it to screen capture? If you were a noob to the forum, the situation would be different (i.e. ignorance). But you've been around awhile. This site THRIVES on photos & videos - specifically when the topic is anyone on RLC, VHTV, etc.
  20. But you didn't even post a photo in the PICTURES forum..or any forum Maya-related! Not being cynical, sarcastic or otherwise. Straight up...you didn't even post a photo! I don't understand the value of saying someone is bating if no photo or video is provided.
  21. OK...why haven't you posted a video this year?
  22. Kudos to Leora. Just adding those black leggings got Paul's (and others) motor running. But, while these two are the stars of the clip, don't forget about Yvonne (or is the dog's name Eva). Especially at the end of the clip, listen to what Yvonne does (having had her own workout with the blue pillow). I think this clip is hilarious and all due to the dog. (Video & Image Content No Longer Available)
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