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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Using the "+" to quote is called multi-quoting and you can use it to do a variety of things, such as, To quote multiple posts at once, either in the current topic, or To copy one or more posts to a completely different topic and reply to them there, although you can't multi-quote a post into a PM, or Say you're several pages behind in reading the new posts in a topic and you find a question you want to reply to, but not until you've read all the new posts, in case someone has already answered the question. You can click the "+" to carry that post forward to the end of the topic and reply or not after you've read all the newer posts. That way, you don't have to go back and search for it later. A caveat: Whenever you click on a "+", it stays in "focus", so if you hit the spacebar to scroll or the Enter key, for example, the multi-quote box in the bottom right corner will disappear or be decreased by one if you've already clicked more than one "+", although you can get it right back again by hitting the spacebar or Enter key again before you click someplace else. For this reason, always click on a neutral area in the topic after you click a "+" to make it lose "focus". Also, after a topic is locked, as Stone said, you won't be able to quote any posts from that topic, but you can copy and paste any post you want into an active topic and reply to it there (see example 1 below). There is a catch to this method, however. It won't notify the user that you've quoted his post from a locked topic, so you'll need to mention his username in the reply, such as @WatcherCC, so he gets a notification that you quoted his post. On the other hand, if you copy and paste from a locked topic, such as in the second example below, it may notify any user whose username is already in the copied text. I'm not sure about this one. You can give a try and see what happens. I hope this is helpful. _____________________ Example 1 I didn't realize you opened the "Voyeur-House.TV (2019) Part #1" topic. Once I noticed this I moved the question above to the topic you started so this topic ("Voyeur-House.TV - Part 4") can now be erased. Thanks. _____________________ Example 2 It's easy to reply to a comment in a Locked Topic. There's a (+) to the left of where the Quote Button was. Clicking the (+) will carry the Quote. When you get to the New Topic in the Bottom Right Corner of the Screen will show there is a Quote. Place the Curser in the comment box then click the Notification in the Bottom Right Corner and the Quote from the Locked Topic will appear in the Comment Box then just leave your response Under the Quote placed.
  2. Clara, Stas, you have no idea how much I was hoping not to hear those words. I am so very sorry for your loss. I know it doesn't take long to become quite attached to such a loving pet as Musi and that decision must have been terrible for you to make. It makes me very sad, as well. My heart goes out to you both.
  3. But, even what he said was just conjecture based only on what he could hear. No one ever actually saw anything that happened.
  4. For anyone to draw any conclusions about what happened during this incident, they're doing so based on inconclusive evidence. We have no way of knowing, definitively, what happened when they were off camera. All we have to go on are some noises. For all we know, someone could have been clapping their hands together. Or, it could have all been an act. We just don't know and we most likely will never know for sure. But, to draw any kind of definite conclusion based on the known facts, is nothing but complete conjecture and speculation. There is simply not enough conclusive evidence. In other words, to put it in layman's terms, it's nothing but pure guesswork. I'm not saying he didn't hit her, just that we have no way of knowing absolutely. There's a rule of law in the US and I'm sure in many other countries, as well. It states that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I think, in this case, we need to err on the side of caution and give him the benefit of the doubt since we cannot prove anything definitively. JM2¢.
  5. That's $20/year to be a Premium Member of CC. 😊 However, you can't use the Attachment Tool to post pictures in this forum. Hopefully, that will change, but not yet.
  6. That's for sure. I can't even remember where I put my own posts.
  7. That's cool. But, where did he post it? I couldn't find it anywhere.
  8. Now, how did it know exactly where to go to peek out? Looks just like an eye, too. Even has a "bag" under it.
  9. Jeez, guys, I was just trying to be helpful. I read all 8 pages of new posts and from where Waldi asked what the resolution was on page three until the end of page 12, no one said that the CB cam was 900p or that it had been confirmed. I also checked the previous pages and no one said it there, either. I did mention it on page six of the cam show topic, but that was a different thread and no one even acknowledged it over there except Robwin.
  10. Since I can't understand what they're saying, I rarely listen to any of them.
  11. Your guess is as good as mine on that one, but she looks very young to me.
  12. I haven't read all 120 new posts, yet, but just in case no one said it, the CB cam resolution is 900p.
  13. I would have expected the opposite, given VH's track record, but I agree. (BTW, refresh this page. I made them fit side-by-side.
  14. These are cropped, to make them fit side-by-side, but otherwise completely unretouched.
  15. OK, that time, I really wasn't trying to be a smartass. I was fully aware you said "most". I was simply passing along information.
  16. It looks like a variation on the spelling of the name, Martinez. Possibly.
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