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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Conservative explains why the Trumpified GOP now resembles the China's 'authoritarian' Communist Party Max Boot is conservative, right-wing and vehemently pro-U.S. Conservative explains why the Trumpified GOP now resembles the China's 'authoritarian' Communist Party - Alternet.org WWW.ALTERNET.ORG When then-President Donald Trump called for mandatory "patriotic education" for all U.S. students in September 2020, Susan Rice (former national security adviser under the Obama Administration) slammed...
  2. Monica toybate and anal fingering (Content No Longer Available)
  3. Don't tap it, just hold your finger on it until the number pops up.
  4. When I put my cursor on 5.5k, I see the exact number of your posts.
  5. Leora, the hottest woman, rubs her pussy and gets aroused (Content No Longer Available)
  6. Chipmunk with fat cheeks.mp4
  7. That was another question I had. Why did her OF account name have to be shared via PM, when we can put CB account names in the open forum? And don't say because CB cam whores are a dime a dozen. You know they're all the same. Whether it's CB, OF, Bonga, Manyvids, etc., they're ALL selling sex for money. Linda sticks her twat inches away from a camera, just like all the rest of them.
  8. Which is what I was talking about doing with the OF content. There was already a topic for OF, if it needed to be put in a different location to solve the problem, so be it. I understand if you don't want to do it that way. My point from the beginning was simply, why is posting OF content in the forum any different from posting CB content in the forum? Thanks for listening.
  9. I understand, but you can't put the genie back in the bottle or the toothpaste back in the tube. If I had some CB content of an RLC tenant, I could post it, just like I could in VH.
  10. I'm not arguing against you. I agree that without written consent, we violate copyright law probably every minute of everyday on CC. And I knew as soon as I posted those excerpts you were going to use that evidence against me to prove your point. But, you can't have it both ways. You can't say it's illegal to post content from one source, then look the other way with the multitude of illegal content posted on CC all the time. But, as I said, I agree with you because that's what the evidence says, and I definitely don't want to increase your workload by even a scintilla of one percent. We have their permission to post VH content, but they have no say whatsoever about content from any other source. They can't give or deny permission to post any content outside their own. Yet, CB media is allowed to be posted in the VHTV and RLC forums.
  11. You are most welcome, Sniper. Cute GIF.
  12. For the same reason that RLC can't issue a removal order, neither can CB nor OF. They don't own the copyright. The original author of the media is the copyright holder. They may give CB or OF permission to use the material, but the copyright stays with the author of the media, i.e. Linda, Amelie, etc. If I were to write an original story or essay, for example, and post it on CC, I would be the copyright holder. Anyone posting that material elsewhere without my written permission would be in violation of copyright law. But, the copyright wouldn't belong to CC, it's automatically copyrighted to me when I post it, even without the copyright symbol, because I am the original creator of the material. From Simon Fraser University under the heading of academic integrity: Is everything on the Internet in the public domain, and therefore fair game? A work enters the public domain only after copyright expires, or if the creator has designated the work as such. Most material found on the Internet is protected just like any other material (unless otherwise indicated). Text, charts, graphs, tables, photographs, music, movies, graphics, postings to newsgroups, blogs, e-mail messages, images, video clips, and computer software do not lose copyright protection simply because they are posted on the Internet. From the FindLaw legal site: Is it Legal to Copy Content from a Website? Created by FindLaw's team of legal writers and editors | Last updated February 16, 2018 News stories, photos, and other online content often show up in multiple places, and sometimes it's difficult to determine where the content originated. At first glance, it may seem as if it's perfectly legal to copy content from a website. But is it? The short answer to this question is "no," unless you've obtained the author's permission. In fact, virtually all digital content enjoys the same copyright protections as non-digital, "offline" content. Web Content and Copyright Law Anything that enjoys copyright protection, whether it's rendered in ink or pixels, may not be copied or published elsewhere without the express (typically written) permission of the author. The information need not have a copyright notice or symbol associated with it to be copyrighted, since copyright protection arises as soon as an author creates an original work and fixes it in a tangible medium. The contents of a website are no different than the contents of a book or magazine in terms of copyright protection, even though web content is often seen as more "disposable" than works existing in a physical medium. Also, any non-digital content that is protected by copyright law is automatically protected in its digital form as well. For example, a copyrighted novel published as a paperback will receive the same protection when it's published as an e-book. In addition to online content, databases (both electronic and paper files) also enjoy copyright protection as long as they show a certain degree of creativity by the author, such as in its organization or selection. I realize we all violate this every time we post a pic, video, GIF, cartoon, joke, etc. on CC, but that's not the point. The point is the copyright is held by the author of the material, not the site it's published on, such as CB or OF. I don't mind doing it the way you said, I just wanted you to know it's not necessary because it is highly unlikely that anyone like the VHTV or RLC tenants would issue a removal order. The part about being placed on other sites is kind of a non-issue. That's going to happen regardless. I think everyone, at some level, understands that if something is published on the Internet, it's pretty much fair game, even though it's not supposed to be that way.
  13. I understand what you're saying and what you want to avoid. However, RLC cannot issue a DMCA removal order for content they don't own, and they don't own the copyright for CB or OF media. And, neither does CB or OF own the copyright. It's owned by the broadcasters. They are the content creators, and they own the copyright. They produce the media, whether it's Linda on OF or Amelie on CB, so they own the media.
  14. We've been posting media from CB on both VHTV and RLC for years. How is it any different if we post OF media in those forums, as well?
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