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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. They already had their site names on the video. They used smaller watermarks and usually up in a corner out of the way. They had been advertising like that since day one. And nothing is being stolen. First, you can't steal something that doesn't belong to you to begin with. They don't own these videos, and neither does anyone posting videos on this site. RLC holds the copyright for their content. They have sole ownership of all these videos, pictures, etc. That's why everything gets deleted from this site so quickly. They're protecting their copyrighted content. Second, where do you think sites like hotscopes get the videos they post on their sites? They don't record them, they copy them from other sites. Like this one. I've seen videos that I've posted here, copied and put right back on their sites in less than an hour. The same videos I just got from them. Look at some of the videos you've downloaded from here before they started using those huge watermarks, and some even after that. Some of them have multiple watermarks from different sites on them. Meaning, they were copied from one site to another, to another, each one adding their own site name when they posted them.
  2. I get that, but why on Earth would they ruin their own product with those huge watermarks, if they weren't being forced to do so by RLC, in order to avoid being run out of business?
  3. YouTube does it every second of the day: auto-generated subtitles in several languages. I'm sure other sites do it, too. Many have made the same wish for this site.
  4. I'm not sure. Obviously, other sites post RLC videos. In my view, I think they have a hand in facilitating that, albeit with caveats. I think that's why we're seeing those huge watermarks across some of the videos. JMO.
  5. @OnStrike Here's the new link. Gina's Sister make a quick shower (Content No Longer Available)
  6. RLC is religious about protecting their copyright and has everything we post deleted as soon as they can.
  7. When you get a new baby brother.mp4
  8. There's something in the car.mp4
  9. Yes, they would, but then only premium members could access them. Also, the attachment center only allows about 95 MB to be posted. And, if you use mab to post them, they would still get deleted in three days. Plus, other 3rd-party hosts limit the file size of uploaded files, such as zippyshare, which only allows 500 MB per file. Many of these videos are much larger than 500 MB. In comparison, mab allows a single file or a group of files to be up to 20 GB. That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are other reasons. I prefer to post so everyone has access to them.
  10. It's a slideshow. There's software out there that will create them and you can do them online, as well. If memory serves, I believe you can create them as either GIFs or videos and maybe even as .exe files.
  11. I cannot believe she actually got in that pool...on purpose, no less!! She'll have to disinfect her entire body. That is just God-bloody-awful.
  12. Some other good ones: Covid-45, Adolf Twitler, Agent Orange, Benedict Donald, Orange Julius, The Emperor with no Balls, The New Furor, The Dumpster, Donald Chump, Don the Con, King of Sleaze, Baby Fingers Trump, Little Donnie Sissy Pants, Mango Mussolini, Master Debater, Orange Caligula, Prima Donald, Thin Skinned Orange Peel, Tiny Hands Trump, Dotard, Commander in Cheat.
  13. George Conway: IMPOTUS. Jimmy Fallon: The Lyin’ king. New York Times: Total Bleach Bum. FiveThirtyEight: World’s Greatest Troll. Jimmie Kimmel: PINO. Jon Stewart: Fuckface Von Clownstick. Rick Wilson: Cheeto Jesus. Bill Kristol: Two-Bit Caesar. Chuck Todd: Captain Chaos. Seth Meyers: Creep Throat. Samantha Bee: Screaming Carrot Demon. Stephen Colbert: President Spanky. Trevor Noah: Cinnamon Hitler. Dan Rather: Donald the Deadbeat. Robert DeNiro: Jerkoff-in-Chief. Rosie O’Donnell: Lord Voldemort. Tammy Duckworth: Cadet Bone Spur. Ernest Tam: Quack-in-Chief.
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