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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Damnit, I had my recording software ready too. Heard her on the kitchen cam but only for about 2 mins. Surely that was too quick, unless she's caught Paul's ailment. p.s. for all the Bandicam users, if you search Bandicam on kickass torrents, you can get the registered software which removes the watermark.
  2. No need to worry about Paul. In the past he's been on some training assignment for a short while and he shows back up again. Leora will get over it pretty fast and maybe something more interesting will happen around the apartment. Leora will be able to masturbate in peace without numb nuts around. AMen to that!
  3. Looks like he's going away for a while. They were both pretty subdued as they went out the door and Leora put her hands to her head a few times in a kinda disbelieving way. Of course, not being a Russian speaker I may have missed that he's only going off for a week's training course or something, hope our Russian speakers saw them leave. Think what you like about Paul as a lover but take that away and he seems like a pretty decent bloke so I hope he's ok and comes back safe from the the war (if he's been called up).
  4. The only decent bit is tuning in and catching Leora on the sofa rubbing her legs. Then you've got a bit of suspense, a will she won't she situation. I found a while a go that watching the same guy shag the same woman got old quite quickly and I unsubbed. Resubbed when they had the girls only apartment then unsubbed when I realied it was shit. I think it would be revitalised if they got some single girls living on their own. Normal, sexy independant women who don't care about the cameras, and bring different partners home and masturbate henever they want. You would pay to watch the Almas, Isabels and Leoras masturbate more openly when they wanted to or to see them with different guys/girls. It would be quality. It would never happen as the paperwork would be a nightmare.
  5. I'm going to complain, I pay my money to see people on their phones or watching TV and doing ordinary things in their life like washing up and then these two have all this sex. It's not right. If I wanted to pay to watch people have sex I'd join brazzers.com. And they call this premium?? What a joke! ;)
  6. I wouldn't panic so long as your AV is up to date. It's a spam pop up, clicking on the link will no doubt download a load of shitty software to your PC. If you want to be very sure it's not malware then download and run Malware Bytes. It's a great program that will nuke any shit programs and malware on your computer. http://www.malwarebytes.org/l
  7. I totally agree as these boards are full of supposition and hopes of people trying to fulfill their fantasizes on the lives of the people in the flats. Real life states "The private life of other people in live 24/7" It isn't a pornfest guys lol Yet we have another naysayer in the midst!!!!! They'll find their way to the old dudes board in a couple of days to pretend they know about politics, guns and godawful boring youtube videos!
  8. So I guess you'll be off again then right? Cheerio buddy.
  9. And she was a hot tempered Spanish girl that loved to fuck and masterbate in front of the cameras, even the free ones ! Don't forget she was a knife wielding maniac! The last time we saw the couple she was charging around with a knife threatening Marcos. He was a dick though and deserved it. Whata gal!
  10. Sorry, I don't believe that. There is no reason why a webcam would click each time a user connects. Indeed the webcams don't know a user connects because the webcams don't have a server that distributes to every user. If each cam was aware of each user and sent a signal to all of us thre would be massive lag as no webcam has that kind of processing power. Each webcam sends one signal back to RLC HQ and then their servers distribute it to us lot. So the webcams are always on. The only time there would be a click is when the lens changes to nightvision. We're all aware of that click and understand that we also cannot influence it. Also, when you are watching any of the cams with sound, why can you not hear this click that would annoy the tennats, seeing as the microphone is right beside where the click should be coming from. Just trying to save people some time and effort mate.
  11. The cam won't physically make a clicking sound each time a user connects! There's probably 10 times more subscribers to rlc (at least) than here at CC. If the cams did click when someone viewed it the tenants would already be insane!
  12. No it won't because it's crap. Have you ever wondererd at what you say? Like read it back to yourself and thought, "oh, what are the implications of that?" For example, calling me an idiot because "I stir the shit". Shit stirring to you is speaking out against your racist bigot mates on here. Thats the only shit stirring I do, my other posts are there for anyone to look back on. What are the implications of what you've just written tho? It's that you and your chums don't like being challenged on it, so to you it's just shit stirring. To KarenKraft - well that dude just goes off on one, he starts using "it" instead of "you" just like Gollum but then the Gollum character was a schizophrenic, just like Mr Kraft. Another implication is you abuse the sacrifice that others made to give you the right to spout your nasty shit yet you can't take it back. If someone stands up to you, well I won't repeat myself, you go off on one. Your private message as well as a quick look through your history is proof of that. You people make this place toxic when there's no need for it. People died so you could be wankers, that doesn't mean the rest of us have to silently put up with you if you choose to be that way. Just because you stand in the shadow of a mountain doesn't mean you are a mountain.
  13. What do you mean by deleting the subject post? You said that you moved it to admin - which actually was a long time after the fact that it had been posted. It took me calling you out on it as a mod to do anything about it pal. You do realise I was being ironic about the beers right? I haven't deleted anything, maybe cut back on the beers but do try to be a better mod. Ozi, yeah. Remember him, narrowminded man, gets hard for soldiers? I can see why you looked up to him. Credibility = disintegrated.
  14. Your credibilty cracked a long time ago!
  15. And it all goes quiet just as it did after Kitten's post whilst the racists duck and wait to see if they continue to have the support of the board owner...
  16. Is it ok for mods to go around getting their facts way out of line and private messaging abuse to members based on their errors? Does the right to be a jackass extend that far? I just got this from TBG: For the record, it's all there in the thread anyway, of course I didn't upload the photo that I then went on to say was a stupid thing to upload. Quite why this person has then gone on to personally try to attack me only he knows. But the facts are there in all his posts, quite why you want a toxic guy like him to be a moderator supporting the nasty shit that the messed up guy KarenKraft comes out with is beyond me. As I've said before, I'll pay 10 times over if people like these stop bringing this place down. They don't defend any rights to free speech at all, they abuse the responsibility that comes with the right that others fought and died for. They make a mockery of that sacrifice.
  17. A younger Auric Goldfinger? He will do if he carries on drinking like that!!
  18. Check him out now, he's really forcing them down. Dude's got something he needs some dutch courage for coming up it think!
  19. In a similar vein I'm really bad at using my phone so I think it's great that RLC provides a service that allows me to watch other people using theirs so I can take notes. Thanks RLC yous are the best.
  20. I wonder why she hasn't changed her clothes in days.
  21. Shame Leora's stopped playing with herself. Tha was the only bright point in RLC lately.
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