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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Hope not as she's got no pants on in the living room :p
  2. Dunno, I'd prefer it if she stayed away from both of those jackasses. She's got way more class than either of them.
  3. Don't mind at all :) Bandicam to record them, really easy to use. Then Ultra Video to convert the files so they're smaller and more suitable to upload. Two very useful and simple programs - if you get them on a torrent frm kickass or the piratebay then they'll be cracked. Getting a cracked version of Bandicam is advisable because the free version has a massive watermark at the top of the screen. Gimmie a shout if you need anything else.
  4. I've never really had a favourite, perhaps Alma or Alina but now, Zoya is definitely someone I'd tune in for. #1
  5. Here you go ladies and gents. This girl is superb! Pleeeease don't come back Lev! (The Video Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  6. Well some of the trouble makers are protected by the mods and if you stand up to them, for example Karenkraft and his despicable racist posts, then you end up being threatened with the ban hammer. Ozi too for example, brings nothing to the forum just stalks around being rude to people trying to get into arguments. If he pissed you off enough and you take him to task then for some reason you risk the ban hammer. Not sure why they protect them as they just make themselves look worse by aligning with them. That's all I'll say as, ban hammer!
  7. Christ, I used to live in BCN, you couldn't leave food out for more than 10 minutes or the flies would have it. It's so hot in the summer that even cat food bowls needed to be changed and washed immediately after the cats had eaten. Gross.
  8. Yeah she is genuine. I think it actually turns her on knowing she is being watched when she does it which is why she'll generally do it on the free cams (thanks Leora!). Doing this leads her to put on a slight show of it, which is fine in my book, but leads others to call her fake. Just enjoy it!
  9. Well, if they got them together for a pissing contest I'd probably resubscribe ;)
  10. I was using mp4 on bandicam but it kept making the files over 100MB for only 4 or 5 minutes of play. I switched the setting to avi and now comes out around 50 to 60MB. Then I just put it through my Ultra Video and put it back to mp4 again then it comes out around 35 to 40MB. Yep, I was using mp4 too. I'll switch to t'other and get me some Ultra Video, cheers Stone Cold. If you like I can put the Ultra Video app in a zip file. It has a list of usernames and passwords to make it work for free. They want $25 to buy it. Already grabbed it from thepiratebay! Thanks though! :)
  11. I was using mp4 on bandicam but it kept making the files over 100MB for only 4 or 5 minutes of play. I switched the setting to avi and now comes out around 50 to 60MB. Then I just put it through my Ultra Video and put it back to mp4 again then it comes out around 35 to 40MB. Yep, I was using mp4 too. I'll switch to t'other and get me some Ultra Video, cheers Stone Cold.
  12. Nice work! I like to record the whole thing as the build is just as good as the finish but in this case of 600mb for 20 minutes - it's insane - so good job on picking out the important part! :p If anyone knows how to get the file size down then I'm all ears.
  13. Looks like she is reading some Remarque. I'd hazard a guess at All Quiet On the Western Front. A great anti-war novel. She has gone up lots in my estimation!! :D (I can read the Russian alphabet although I don't speak it well at all - that one was easy!) (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  14. Leora in the guest room. Not sure why my file sizes are so big compared to other Bandicam captures, will look at the settings. 3 parts and 1:1 quality anyway :D (The Video link is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  15. I'd stay away from porn HD, that was the site where I got a link to put up Kamila's last session but Bookmaster said it gave his anti virus warnings.
  16. Here's the 2nd half of Zoya in the living room with proper sound. (The Video Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  17. Oh, I didn't think that you had put a bad link in. That's why I stated that it was not a CC member that caused it. Some people were able to download successfully before I tried it. I thought someone later had caused the problem by intercepting and redirecting the link. Aye, it might well be that. I just finished the malware scan and nothing came up. Good work tho BM to alert everyone!
  18. Ok. I think it does, you think it doesn't. We'll agree to disagree as no one is "correct".
  19. Shit, sorry to hear that. My antivirus (Eset) has not had any alarm. I've just run a full scan and nada to report either. I'm not saying there isn't something wrong with that site tho as obviously your AV has found something. If anyone else accessed that link then I recommened using Malware Bytes to clean your system. I won't put the link for obvious reasons but just google it and get it fro the manufacturer. Sorry to put a shit link, hope you understand I had no way of knowing.
  20. Dasha for example is studying something, as was Alina. Not sure what it is that Maya does apart from the hairdressing but she's always got something going on. Squirrel loves Nora and has waxed lyrical many times about all the stuff she does (+ she's obviously running things in BCN too). So yes, compared to the other tennants Leora does very little with her day except occasionally walk her dog and make dolls. She may well not be bored, perhaps she hasn't even thought about it but one day she'll wake up and realise she spent most of her youth walking between the living, the guest room and the bedroom - and very little else.
  21. ditto that! Here you go folks, I think this is the one, she's certainly got the wet patch from the screencaps. I suggest someone record the stream and post it to MaB before RLC issues the take down, although this site does seem to have a lot of rlc vids. SPAM LINK-------------------------SPAM LINK------------------------------
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