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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. No I didn't attack you first, you lying, thick shit. Karenkraft was a racist, nasty piece of work that I made it difficult for him to get away with posting his shit. Something that received messages of support from other member on here. Why do you keep bringing him up you thick shit? He made a fool of you, but birds of a feather and all that. The main issue I have with you is that you reduce arguments to the level you can handle, by personally insulting people, lying about them yet calling them liars, talking about the qualities of the person posting, rather than the original topic. For people that disagree with you, you turn it into a slanging match rather than keeping it on topic. You are the lowest common denominator and to interact with you, people have to become more stupid. And what's with your Woodworker's seal of approval bullshit going on in threads? "I like you Kalvipoeg, I like you Timewarp, but Maturin, you're a liberal liar and a etc etc. You're not my fweind" What are you, a fucking toddler at kindergarten? I know very well how you operate by now, I'm absolutely certain that if I were to go through your posts you will have deleted any inciting shit said about me or directly to me. Like I said, lowest common denominator shit. Here's the thing though, no one fucking believes you, you sad sack of geriatric bollocks. It is quite obvious the difference in quality of what we post, I delete nothing (only have it deleted by the mods when I risk upsetting you). As if anyone would care any way. Who do you keep replying to me for Woody? Is TBG gonna give you an extra special star or a digital pat on the back? Hardly. You show your lack of quality every time you hit your keyboard, give it up, the joke's on you. And for the record: you definitely are a twat. A delusional fucking twat.
  2. Although I will state once again that disagreeing between myself and Ozi wasn't flaming. Woodworker brought it down to that level by constantly mentioning me and making personal insults. After he started lying, I responded to him at the only level he is capable of interacting, which led to me being blamed for the thread being locked. That's pretty poor as Woodworker had no reason taking part in a heated discussion where the only thing he could bring to it were personal insults - quite why he wasn't warned and I got moderated is obvious though. In short, he's a twat :D
  3. Mods, lock this thread too please, Woodworker has fucked another one up.
  4. You are obviously entitled to say what you like, with no fear of proper moderation, even when you abuse people. This has never been about free speech, this is about you constantly winding me up with lies because you know that in order to set the record straight, that's the only time I'll reply to you. I've got no fucking interest in stooping to your level and name calling but if I do then I'll call a spade a (particularly thick, pointless and zombie-esque) spade. You're a 'kin bad joke mate, thank the flying spaghetti monster that the majority of people aren't like you.
  5. Ok Woodworker. Show me where I have lied, show me where I have been hypocritical? Karenkraft i Can no longer prove because, again, Squirrel deleted those posts so I can't put those back up Liar and a hypocrite, you're so juvenile you think saying those words make them true. So come on then, prove me to be a Liar or a hypocrite? If not, fuck off you thick fucking yocal. How many times do I have to say it? You are trolling me with your fucking stupidity. I am not interested in bringing myself down to your level in order to reply to you. Ignore me and I will ignore you. A fascist zombie that just keeps coming. Do you want to address how you lied by saying I tried to tell the mods to get you banned? Basically everything you call me is actually yourself. You have just proved that you are a Liar and a hypocrite, and need the mods watching over you which is why you benefit from their preferential application of the rules. Fuck off mate, I'm not interested in replying to you or egging you on anymore, when it's obvious that you can call me what you want and make up shit about me yet I'm the one who gets my posts removed. Pathetic.
  6. So what's with squirrel saying he locked it and deleted my posts because I was flaming, yet didn't adminster the same treatment to his buddy? I wasn't flaming and anything I did write addressing Woody has been after weeks worth of ignored provocation from his side - all of which can be proved. Anyway, it's not like I'm that bothered now. If squirrel feels he needs to censor me for speaking my opinion, (something that the guys on his side of the fence do with impunity) then it's plain to everyone here who's in the wrong and whatever respect he's tried to curry for himself as mod has become hollow. I'll leave it there. Ozi, looks like I'm not allowed to disagree with you any more. That should piss you off as much as it did me. Back to the tits and ass and the speculation over girls that are young enough to be my daughters.
  7. Well, that was the subject of the one post that obviously he personally didn't like. About how people on the right are generally just full of clichés, prefer violence as the best solution and that trying to discuss things with them, as in the case of Woodworker, was pretty much the same as having a one way conversation with a TV tuned to Fox News. It then descended into the usual school yard crap and I again told him I couldn't be bothered with it. Whilst I would consider it, unfortunately, unlikely to change your point of view, I started developing the argument that in fact most people's points of view are actually changing, that we're not all like Woodworker and are starting to think for ourselves and search for a better way than market driven neo-con ideological driven war and bloodshed that has made the 5% rich and brought misery to the rest. No doubt you would have ripped it apart but then I had the facts ready to back it up too. Perhaps the truth scared him so he took it off. As mentioned, the original posts can be reposted if he chooses to defend what can only be seen as one-sided moderating.
  8. Thanks Ozi. I won't post them unless Squirrel chooses to explain why he did so and requires the proof but I know I'm skirting around getting banned just questioning it, so...
  9. p.s. The thread was open on my phone and unrefreshed from yesterday, so I can post it here verbatim if you would like to highlight which part of it was flaming or unprovoked. I think that would help most people understand why you chose to delete my posts because at the moment it just looks like preferential censorship.
  10. So my posts telling Woodworker where he is going wrong and why I don't take him seriously are removed as flaming and I'm locked out of the thread yet his untruths about me and equally inflammatory posts stay. Non of it was bitching in the slightest, and it was hardly unprovoked - the people that were interested in that thread and read the comments before they were deleted (whether they were on the same side of the political fence as me or not) would surely attest to that. Don't get me wrong, I know there's no point fighting it, as just lip service is paid to the notion of frank and equal discussion here but if you want to censor one side of the argument and not the other then you should explain your reasons more fully - if that's possible. Disappointed but not surprised. Pretty poor behaviour indeed.
  11. You're clutching at straws on this refugee father I'm afraid and disagreeing with yourself. I'll step out in that case, but I'll check back in once you've found a new topic with which to pour your hate, scorn and inhumanity upon and I'll show you where you're going wrong again.
  12. In the case of Woodworker and global politics that fact has never been in doubt! :D Queue at least 3 posts from him of thoughtless clichéd party-line invective that he thinks I'll read; go Woody, GO!
  13. I'm sure you'll understand it when I say that although you've stated you are these things, there is no proof so I will not take your statements as fact. Quite frankly you don't sound like anyone that's served in the military at all. When you read the well measured responses of veterans on here (regardless of whether I agree with them or not) you can see straight away that they're the real deal. You have mentioned nothing about what you do for a living in months, so I had to dig into my memory to remember what it was - hence I pointed to the fact that I might have mis-remembered what you did. That you have continually been posting anti-asylum seeker bullshit and fuck-the-refugees propaganda in the intervening months does not, sigh, prove that you have been in the military. I'm not saying that to score points, but I do need you to understand that I don't believe you. You can argue that all you want, the fact is I'm not asking you to prove it or give your real identity, I'm not interested, I just don't think you're a soldier especially compared to the responses, which are generally on your side of the argument, from actual veterans. Moving on: Many refugees have "escaped" from the camps in Turkey. Quite frankly, if I was there with my family I would be looking to get out and get to Europe - where I could find work and my kids could go to normal state school, ASAP. That his kid was washed up on a beach does not prove (do I have to keep putting that in bold?) that he was a people smuggler. 75% of them are men? What do you think happens to the women out there mate and why don't they make it, doesn't bare thinking about really. That picture you posted with the caption "Asylum seekers? Genuine refugees? Now fighting amongst themselves," is further proof that you're not just losing yourself to the closed ideology and false-narrative acceptance that they use on susceptible people - you're actively taking part in deceiving yourself and the people that listen to you. This photo was taken when the refugees were attacked in Budapest or another part of Hungary by fascist groups with bottles and projectiles. Some of the guys wanted to fight back but were stopped by other refugees - as the photo clearly shows.
  14. "I don't need some talkfest and analysis of the facts..." Then stop asking for them and arbitrarily declaring conjecture to be fact. As I understood it from previous conversations you worked with asylum seekers or something, maybe I'm mis-remembering that, so I'm confused as to why you've printed the armed forces oath of alliegance. There will be a lot of innocent people that are killed, if and when, the shit hits the fan. A lot of those doing the killing of those innocents will be from our side as well. Which brings me back to the question, what makes you so much better than them if you're just waiting for the chance to behave with the same disregard for human life that fundametalist whackjobs do?
  15. No, they are quite categorically not facts about what happend. They are statements by three woman that have not been proven to be facts either way. I don't know if the TTP is fairly common of people smugglers, I did not contest that did I? And, I really don't care about the facts you've quoted that aren't relevant; such as the fact that it was reported on Network Ten is indisputable, however that fact has no connection to whether the statements of these woman are true and should be regarded as fact. As usual, you only spin what you want to spin! You're dealing with someone who operates out of the right wing bigoted closed ideology echo chamber that is the nature of this forum Ozi. Unlike you guys I need rational proof in order to make a considered apraisal, not the bandwagoneering, party line, sheeple comments that are prevelant here. Does it not bother you that you think and say exactly what they want you to say? That you're just a tool to keep the guys that don't give a shit about you, your country or your patriotism in power?
  16. I don't know how many times I have to say it Woody, but it's pointless replying to me directly. Your posts are nonsense and not worthy of a reply, which is why I ignore you - with just the odd reminder, such as this, as to why you're being ignored. The figures for the huge numbers of refugees that Sweden has taken in over the years are just a google search away. I'll leave it there, feel free to call me a liberal cunt and all the rest, I'll carry on ignoring you. Twat. Ozi, seeing as you were berating Timewarp for not providing anything factual, you're letting yourself down with this hearsay surrounding this bereaved father. Again you're seizing on the word of someone else, who is very emotionally close to the situation. I've yet to see any solid fact that what these two women are saying is true.
  17. It's rather sad that someone makes a claim that fits in with your world view and you believe it straight away. One woman's word, no proof, yet your clutch at it as if in some way it vindicates you personally? Say you were a people smuggler, would you take your family in the 4 metre long rubber dinghy with you? If so, why? Exactly.
  18. Nailed it Timewarp. Basically their solution is to out-atrocity the "bad people" in every situation because the world is quite clearly black and white to them. It makes it easier to understand if everyone is either a good guy or an evil guy. If you've read into how the world works and have even the slightest shred of moral decency then you're labelled as a socialist cockroach, weak or unpatriotic and all the rest. When in fact it's the educated people who are in the minority and they are the brave ones who call for restraint, compassion and moral authority, as all around them the sheep who've bought the fear and lies of the corporatocracy are bleeting for ultra-violence and final solutions. "Let them drown! Turn the desert into radioactive glass! Send some ebola patients over there! (that was actually an idea on CC), why? Because we're civilized!" Please...
  19. Ah should have obviously checked the videos first. it's been posted!
  20. I just turned up this video, couldn't see it posted or mentioned anywhere else. This must have been when the apartment was empty after that woman beating fuck got himself thrown out, before N&B moved in. Thing is how did someone record it as the apartment was offline? RLC leak or what's the story? SPAM LINK (The Video Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  21. I'm not sure that we didn't get the oil contracts there. I'll stand to be corrected naturally but I thought it was Western OilCos that are preparing to exploit the resources. Agree with you totally about the prosecution of both Iraqi wars. We sent troops over there that were criminally under-supplied, expected them to make the best of it, then changed the rules of engagement, because "feelings". Then changed the terms of victory because, "fuck it". We pulled out and left a massive gulf there that was only ever gonna be filled by the guys with the biggest sticks. There's reports now that the Taliban are being subsumed by ISIS in Afghanistan, where does it stop?
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