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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. In theory HFB she is not paid to get her kit off and masturbate...She was contracted to participate in a real life project along with her then partner Paul. The contract neither stipulated whether they had sex or not but was not discouraged. This project is not as a 9-5 employee, where you set a task and expect a certain quantity achieved in a day...So I don’t see the similarity. She is living her life as she sees fit, and that includes freedom to see whoever she chooses, as often as she chooses, she can have off days, headaches , depressions just the same as everyone else. She is not, contrary to some people’s opinions a performing seal...She will do things when she feels like doing them.
  2. But your theory does not stand up in reality. When they were being put under great pressure last month, it didn't encourage them to work more did it? In fact it had the oposite effect... My personal belief is that people respond in kind, if you tell someone they are useless they will invariably prove you right deliberately, conversely if you tell a person you enjoyed what they did they will normally respond in a positve manner. I think to an extent, that once the bullshit and supposition concerning Paul, her new " boyfriend ," her setting Malia up with an arsehole for the night while she went out and enjoyed herself , all of which were not true at that time, along with being called a whore, prostitute, and porn actress had eventually subsided, then she responded in a way that was appreciated by most people, albiet not everyone. But then she is never going to be able to please everyone is she, with some people no matter what she gave them they would demand more. We shall probably have to agree to disagree regarding our oposite opinions on this subject. Respect !!
  3. I don't think that is strictly true, it's often not the fact that people disagree, it is often the way some people put their opinions, in the form of sometimes disrespectful innuendo and unsubstantiated conjecture that only antagonises the tenants, who then does not participate in the project for a few days because of the anger and hurt....Would you if you had just been verbally abused? I think not! Apart from these types of comments there are the occasional out and out trolls who write crap just to get a reaction.
  4. Of course there is room enough on the forum for all people and all opinions, as long as they are respectfull to both the tenants and other forum members... Having said that, I don't believe there should be room on the forum for trolls. Naturally, other people may think differently, that's their prerogative, and with the exception of the trolls I respect that.
  5. Didn't cost me a great deal either, got it from a garage sale, apparently it was fire salvage....Shiiiiiit !! Sorry Aussie ! Did you tell Leora it was from you then? 🙀😹😹
  6. When you mature and learn your lessons at school like a well behaved child, ask teacher if he/she will show you how to use the lower case keys, so you don't come across as an angry simpleton, just an ordinary everyday simpleton... Play nice with the other kid's now.
  7. Blue is the colour is correct , this should be in the general chat thread and I apologise to him for answering the comment on here, because it does warrant an answer. You call Leora and Malia “ Porn Stars “ which I find derogatory and offensive to both girls, and certainly lacks any respect at all...Whether everyone agrees or not on the format of RLC it is supposedly an voyeur real-life project which involves people going about their everyday business in front of camera’s. When Leora lived with Paul, sometimes he worked and she went about her shopping, gym, dance classes, painting, needlework and animal welfare and sometimes indulged herself in her pleasure as an exhibitionist whilst giving us pleasure at the same time. The concept has not altered, but the people have. Paul is no longer with Leora in a new country, but her friend is and they both now enjoy doing their thing whilst living a private life as well ...I don’t see the problem To call them porn stars is disingenuous and cruel.....I doubt you will be the most popular person on CC today....Perhaps that’s why you hid your remark in the video thread.. Once again BITC my apologies...
  8. The alternative ( Leora on her own ) is more than good enough for me, but whatever the two girls decide between themselves will be the right thing for their own particular circumstances...One door shuts and another one opens! 😻
  9. You won't breath at all if you if you stop taking the necessary precautions...Stay safe people!!😷
  10. She has just left the apartment looking absolutely traffic stopping STUNNING!! 😻 What a classy woman this is. Have an amazing day Little One..🥰
  11. But some things in life Chris are worth waiting for....To most people Leora fits into that category..🤔
  12. That’s a pity! Just when we were all beginning to like you and appreciating your contribution to the forum....People just let us down constantly, can’t rely on anyone any more.....😸 Nice of you to say some nice things about Leora, she always appreciates what her die hard ultra fans like you have to say about her.. Be a stranger Y’all !🤪
  13. I concur with your assessment of Leora’s pussy, my personal opinion is that it is even further enhanced when she invites her Brazilian friend along for a few months......The darkness accentuates her pussy magnificently, and far enough away to not cause any problems, should any lucky individual be giving the lovely lady a tongue tickle..🙀
  14. If God made anything better than Leora in full flight, he’s keeping it for himself..😇
  15. Another special surprise for us, first time for many months we have seen moist panties....Superb!🙃 Thank you Leora!
  16. What Wednesday night proved to me HF was that if people relax and have some patience they will be rewarded tenfold. The atmosphere within the forum is good, so it is picked up by Leora, and she takes a great deal of pleasure out of giving pleasure. As I have stated before she is a good woman, with a kind and generous disposition. She can be a good friend, but also a fearsome enemy if she is crossed, as I sadly know from experience. I have not always agreed with Leora on several things in the past, and have made my views public at the time, but on reflection she was probably 95% correct and I was a fucking idiot. About six weeks ago I had an epiphany, and realised that I had no right to criticise her, all she had ever given me was pleasure, and I was showing my gratitude by being an arsehole towards her, like a selfish child....If anyone needed to sort thier life out it was me not Leora. So as far as I'm concerned she can do as little or as much as she wants to, whenever she wants to, and when she goes out from the apartment for the day or night I hope she has a terrific time and eventually returns refreshed and contented.🙀 Sometime's it's good to get things off your chest and come to terms with a few things...Sorry for my rant !! 😼
  17. You know I'm right Pulo....😹 How can she possibly resist a cute little guy like me....I'm an orphan so I don't have any family ties, I'm house trained, and I have never been caught humping cushions in synchronisation with my rather becoming mistress. Along with the big bonus.....I don't bark!! 😹
  18. Nicely put SG!! Leora will never put herself under pressure to "Perform " She has been through the highs and lows many times before, and is an expert at letting it take it's course, like water off a ducks back. She will only ever do whatever she chooses to do depending on the mood..That's why it's pointless members putting requests for he to do this or do that on the forum, she will do nothing unless she wishes to do it.....It's a recipe that has stood her well for years and will I feel do so for a few years yet hopefully....Unless she takes me up on my offer to allow her to adopt me.I believe she is giving it serious thought, only because I have told her I am seriously cute. 😹
  19. You’re right Aussie...It really only ever comes down to having a little patience and understanding. Some folks are not prepared to give her the time she needs sometimes, it’s a pity, because they will not benefit from the situations she is capable of producing when she employs her fertile imagination to its full extent. How many times have we sat back and thought that something was similar to a previous day, only for her to throw something into the mixture which takes us all by surprise and gives much renewed pleasure. As has been said by myself and others, She hasn’t lasted on here for 7 years without being something special, and like the proverbial fine wine, she is getting better with age..😸
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