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Everything posted by jimbo4

  1. Don’t let the bastards grind you down mate....You’re a man of principle, stick with them, it’s admirable.....If you think Malia is worth fighting for then keep on fighting for her, don’t let a couple of dissenters put you off...Fuck ‘em !
  2. Did you just say something, only you are on my ignore list..😹
  3. Possibly because they can’t be bothered....Silence doesn’t mean agreement for either side of a dispute.
  4. Using your criteria there must have been a great many abnormal people watching last night then. Do you consider your opinion to be that of a majority of people who watched ?
  5. In all fairness Slip and with due respect to your good self, I don’t think it a matter of Malia not being appreciated, I think under the circumstances she has equipped herself very well. But people have their personal preferences just as you have with Malia, and others like myself may prefer Leora. It in no way implies that I dislike Malia, just a matter that I prefer Leora, same reason that I don’t bother with the other apartments, their tenants don’t have anything of any interest for me . Different strokes mate. 😸
  6. Don’t think she went to work Pulo, not wearing a sports top and tracksuit...😹
  7. He doesn’t mean you Aussie....He wouldn’t want you as a family member in the first place.....😹😹😹
  8. I concur , there is no roof terrace accessible for her in her apartment block..
  9. All I can say is that I am neither criticising nor agreeing with Newark’s statement. Generally speaking I think Malia did cramp Leora’s style when she first arrived, and it’s no coincidence that since that time we have seen very little dancing, vibrators, or utilising other rooms as she used to prior to Malias arrival, that’s not complaining it’s just stating a fact. She has grown attached to Malia in other ways, but still has not got the freedom she enjoyed before..irrespective of whether or not she has a new relationship, which only takes up perhaps 40% of her awake time at best...So the other 60% of the time is spent either in Malia's company or outside the apartment trying to escape Malia’s company for a while, only she knows the reason. I am in no way criticising Malia, and certainly not Leora, but by introducing another person to the equation has changed the dynamics, some people will enjoy how it is and others will resent change...It’s human nature....But things will not revert unless Leora wants them to or Malia chooses to return to Russia. I am philosophical about it, One way or another it will work it’s self out, of that I am certain, but until it does, then no amount of complaining, whining , sarcasm or threats to halt membership will make one iota of difference to Leora or RLC, of that I am sure. I am content to let things happen when they happen...I don’t demand anything, therefor I’m never disappointed ...It’s my new way of looking and dealing with life, and I’m cool with it.
  10. All anyone has to do to know what the title and singer of any music is is use the Shazam app...We could all be as clever as him.🙀😹
  11. I have never said on this forum that Leora's beau lives with his mother, I have always stated that " IF " she had a new guy in her life it was none of my business..which it isn't. If she does indeed have a new guy then good luck to her. Where is the dishonesty toward Malia, I don't see any, and as for seeing the bullshit before it turns the corner, of course you do, you're writing most of it.
  12. If indeed Leora is seeing someone then it's not just a matter of if she wishes to bring him home or not, it would also be a matter of him being willing to be in front of 14 cameras, and her respecting his wishes... Apart from that could you imagine the abuse that would be thrown at him by some of the trolls. Leora has a good memory, so why would she wish to subject someone to the same sort of abuse we gave to Paul for six years?..... Wise girl !!
  13. How is it deceptive and not respectfull of the audience? Just what is it that you're seing and your intellect is exactly telling you, and how is she being dishonest? I will concede that at times it can be frustrating, but as for dishonest and disrespectful, I fail to see the correlation.
  14. Keep up will you...Outside the apartment !
  15. It's of no concern at all what she does ...only to her, it's called privacy!
  16. Wrong on both counts...at least you're consistent.
  17. No ! He doesn't have a shit translator, he has shit for brains.
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