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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. Yuri. a little cream will calm those worry wrinkles down some.
  2. This is what she has: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/OVO-Kegel-Exerciser-Balls-Vagina-Tight-Dumbbell-Sex-Toy-Products-For-Women/32270422100.html?spm=2114.40010508.4.2.cM5D6p
  3. That is not is not what she put in. These were ping pong ball size with stripes and wires. The wires are hanging between her legs.
  4. Masha and Sasha are friends with Dasha and Demid as well. Masha was introduced to us as one of the house guests when Dasha and Demid were out. Many interconnections in RLC in that group.
  5. I don't know for sure if this is 100% factual but in past discussions it was said that in Russian women (I believe Ukraine women as well) rings indicating marriage or engagement are worn on the right hand.
  6. Never said anything about a sexual relationship. Ilonia will seal herself off from the others as always and Irma and Polya will become friendly by default...unless they have nothing in common then it will be 3 sitting by themselves alone in their rooms just as it has been. It would take an unusual free thinking lady to come in and start up with anyone in this apartment. Just isn't going to happen.
  7. Don't get used to Ilona connecting to anyone. She is only married to her phone and Ipad. The only thing she needs Irma for is a massage. Watch a relationship between Irma and Polya form. That is how Irma and Anna got together in the first place.
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