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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. I mostly agree with your observations. Something clearly was "going on" the evening of Irma's and Polya's bath together. Just the fact that both headed to their room and masterbaited afterward proves they stimulated something. Will they ever do something sexual together? I still lean that nothing will. I still see it all as teasing/ flirting but nothing to indicate a sexual attraction. Maybe if more alcohol was involved they may extend the flirting further but history shows neither drinks to that point on a regular basis. Having said that, my curiosity is still out on Irma and Lola. At this point I don't see anything more than just flirting there either. I am certainly open to anything to prove me wrong however.
  2. I think Polya has made her break through. She is really into it and over the covers. Uh oh phone call lol.
  3. I don't think there is any secret. It is just inexpensive and available. They wash after anyway.
  4. Not cool to me. It would limit the possibilities but increase the speculation for the perves.
  5. Be interesting to see if she leads with the spirit of the other apartment or if she and the other girls move the bar up or down. It seems to be the same time zone. She certainly had good training by Ilona and Irma. Hoping for a massage soon lol.
  6. No I don't resort to name calling. I just know from experience he had impulse control issues. Especially when he was drinking.
  7. Not staged. Clearly you don't know the guy, Efim. He used to be a resident in Zoya's apartment. He doesn't need to stage anything. He will attempt to fuck anything that moves. That is one of the reasons he and Diana split I suspect. He used to get drunk and hit on all their girlfriends. Funny to watch but would never trust him as a partner.
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