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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. I agree there wont be any sex on the balcony Benfold. If you watch when they open the door to the balcony, you can see the reflection clearly. The balcony is outdoor and there is other buildings close that can see onto the balcony.
  2. As usual you love to spin things to suit your own agenda. I saw the same conversation and I believe Irma was telling Polya THIS story: I understand you believe you think Yury and Kitek may be some agents of RLC stating: "Yury & Kitek have just got to understand that what they say in a room with an open mic is not going to be 100% accurate. They are going to say what is needed to ease/divert the speculations and ridicule from the members of the forum in my opinion. I could be wrong, but that is just how I see it. " Yes Harley you are wrong. If you were a reasonable person one should realize the translations serve a much more reliable measure of what goes on than some troll like interpretation of body language and ill conceived, paranoia of people working to totally pull the wool over member's eyes. People are much smarter than you give them credit. Keep insulting other members. You wear the reputation well.
  3. Ilona sprawled out on her bed as if to say "this is my bed! Try to find a square inch to lay on.....my bed!"
  4. Hopefully we will see more of that side as she gets more comfortable. Most are so serious in the beginning.
  5. I believe Ilona will be leaving next. I just don't see her staying anywhere too long. If Ilona is truly the new recruiter for the apartment, she can do that by remote control. Irma may be next but hopefully not right away. That hope is purely selfish on my part. The good news and bad news of this apartment is the constant change of characters. Chemistry and confidence around cameras is tricky. Maybe the duel girl's apartment (Barc 1 & Barc 2) will help to smooth out transitions. While one is fresh and acclimating, the other gains momentum.
  6. I don't know if you can read anything into it but At the time the apartment went UM, Polya and Irma were sound asleep and Ilona had just showered.
  7. She definitely was ready for more. It has happened to us all but you gotta have a plan B to keep the game going! You can make her forget how you ended as long as you make her ending unforgettable! Stopping and rolling over isn't it!
  8. Irma and Polya very touchy-feely today. I wonder how long until Ilona puts a stop to that? For one Irma and Polya are going to get stuck cleaning the bubbles off the ceiling!
  9. Just my opinion and I have no way to prove it but it seems Nora is still active in managing the apartment as an agent for RLC. Ilona may have a larger network of models to recruit girls so that has become her role. I believe Nora, as she has become older has moved away from the modeling and her role with RLC on camera but still continues as a business partner with Kiko. We still hear them being mentioned from time to time. It is my understanding this has been Nora's brainchild with RLC and still is one of the most popular concepts and apartments. As long as someone is still able to recruit a pool of interesting girls, this apartment is not going anywhere.
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