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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. There was a translation a while back when Ilona first arrived (it was our assumption she was recruiting girls) She was heard to say on the phone (paraphrased) "you just need to go topless" Maybe Ilona's selling point was different than Nora's or what RLC expected. I am assuming Ilona got some sort of cut or commission for girls brought in. I think another selling point Ilona and Nora both used is there was a possibility of modeling contacts and jobs. If that is the case, she or they maybe used a type of bait and switch to earn commission. It has been my observation that in the beginning many of these girls have a very poor background financially. They may think this a great job at first. Room and board and some spending money. They can buy new clothes, laptops or Ipads. They live much better than they had been before. If they are lucky they may land a modeling job occasionally. Then reality sets in and they must make a choice to to expose themselves to an extent they hadn't considered. Peer pressure can be strong. They either get with the program or don't. As we have witnessed many don't.
  2. I am not sure if she actually speaks Italian. It seems it may be fashionable to use Italian greetings. Last night Lola had a conversation in english but said goodbye in Italian.
  3. Bonnie once again you have your story screwed up. Here is what the admin posted on RLCF. All, I received a message today from BTR's account claiming that he was killed in a "rode accident". I am working to verify the authenticity of the message. He hasn't posted since the end of June, though it appears he logged in as recently as 7 days ago. I am not really sure what's going, but I have demoted him to a Moderator for the time being. I am bringing on @StnCld316 to the moderating team to help fill the void. StnCld316 is a great moderator/Admin, and someone that I consider a friend. Please welcome him to the team. Thank You, - Admin For those who do not know, BTR claimed to be one of the new owners of RLC. Now the question is what happened to BTR? BTW his Facebook page was also deleted.
  4. Still waiting on the card but I am sure the tape got erased by now or they won't post it "just to punish everyone for doubting them". LOL
  5. So far Megan seems content in her room. By the way she had many of those bruises the other night when she slept in Stella's bed.
  6. Anna originally hid under Lola's bed covers but then chickened out and went to her room. They seem to be negotiating right now.
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