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Everything posted by horseshoejerry

  1. That's not all she came home with. She clearly was overserved. She is eliminating the problem now.
  2. Probably watching "Magic Mike". One night recently Milana and Coco watched "Lovelace". I was unable to understand the Russian translation but it was funny to watch the girls' reaction when the move was at the part where the bells rang, the rockets launched and the fireworks exploded. If you saw the movie or saw "Deep throat" you know the part I mean. ;) By the way, in Magic Mike I would have loved to hear the voice used for Matthew McConaughey's character in the Russian translation, ;D
  3. Not unless her hairy tatooed lover is transgender. ;D
  4. Better go back and study your history. This is definitely Kamila.
  5. I was under the impression that this was an adult forum. I believe someone let some 13 year old juveniles enter. :o
  6. Was there music playing or just some random channel? Music. They were sunbathing. Sorry, conspiracy theory shot to hell again,
  7. Wow you are right on it there. Yup something is going on. Let me try to dumb it down for ya. Milana borrowed Nora's phonebook. She wanted to rebook her flight. Nora's book contained the phone numbers. Yes some people still use phone books. She went to the "secret" room (the one everyone knows about) and changed it. Why so secret? Just to piss you off or because she needed to supply personal information that would be prudent to keep private. Sorry to burst your bubble of mystery. How do I know this? Simple I heard her discussion with her BF in english. I know understanding the language takes all the fun out of it. By the way. Wednesday........that's all I will say.
  8. A girl only grabs your cock like that if she is putting it in her ass! Good Girl! Come on Einstein admit you didn't see it when it happened. If you had you would know she did't put it in her ass. In this picture he was coming on her ass and she was jacking him. Fantasies are fun aren't they? It just is embarrassing and kills your credibility when you cross the line and confuse the two publically.
  9. Milana told this guy the first night they slept together in the apartment no. When he pushed the issue she replied, "love first" in english. In other words she will not screw him until they are in love. He is hanging in there so he must be in it for the long haul or until her visa runs out. ;)
  10. 8:40 am E.S.T. Cams just came back online. I was wanting to know when they stopped working on their time Add 6 hours to EST. Coco was in bed napping and Milly was on the couch watching tv and playing with her phone. Neither "unplugged" the upstairs cameras, ;)
  11. Uh I am going to need better information than that to believe it. I heard Nora on the phone speaking English this morning as well. The difference is she was practicing her lines with someone for a play. They were rehearsing. I heard many lines and wondered at the time if someone may think it is real. I may have missed another conversation but I know what I heard.
  12. I do not think this is going anywhere today. He was getting very persistent and she said no. He replied in English we sleep together " Her reply in good English, "first love". We shall see. Maybe Nora is still in the running. Ha ha! He is still trying.
  13. I think we are seeing some "grooming" going on I am just not sure who is being groomed, us or them. Each day we are watching the behavior of Nora and Milana moving in a more friendly direction. The notion of manipulation by RLC for hits and membership has been mentioned. That may be but something else is going on as well. The body language cannot be denied. Both are accepting of each other's subtle advances. Touches here, peeks there. Directed smiles....returned. Sudden comfort of nudity around each other and less concern with the cameras. I believe something significant will happen by this weekend. If not then, after Rita leaves. Will it happen in our view? I am wondering if Nora is willing to cross the line and have Kiko see it on the Internet or maybe tell him beforehand? I don't know what is happening but I bit the hook and am having fun watching!
  14. Check out Rita... I think she is watching on her laptop! lol
  15. Hey, I think I found Edward Snowden! haha!
  16. Looks to me as if she may have registered for a "friend finder" site. Fight with boyfriend, boyfriend gone, having attractive pictures taken, spending time online. ;) Most of the time online is music but everyone in a while she types. Hmmmm. :D
  17. They are mostly out of camera view. They have a little spot out of view of the two living room cams. They are only partially seen from the hall cam. :(
  18. At it again...it started on the couch but now they are in neutral areas shouting across the room. Oops now on the couch again still at it.
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