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Everything posted by tweety

  1. They were cozy in there before, but she got away (to the bathroom). No excuse now if he keeps trying.
  2. Yes, but she has wriggled out of the situation. I would post pics, but didn;t realize that I missed the VH logo at the bottom.
  3. Betty is getting a good ass reaming., and now fucking.
  4. I think it is more than 'accepting Henry yet'. It could be a tension filled long visit
  5. The party is about over. They had to hold Darcie down so that Henry could eat her pussy. That was when she decided to get dressed
  6. I don't think Darcie is really accepting Henry yet. When Mira was getting fucked, Henry tried to get her into the bedroom, with no success.
  7. FYI, there is a male guest at Betty and Rick's.
  8. RUSS ??? I was too late. Thanks. Great vocal I wonder how M & H feel hearing sounds of love making coming from the bedroom next door?
  9. It is a part of the chase to get the clothes off. Kinda looks like the initial pairings are made. It is a big couch bed, though, if that is where they all end up.
  10. It is a good job she has tights on, 'cause he is trying hard to get up the leg of her shorts.
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