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Everything posted by tweety

  1. That would mean that Mira would get the male guest. Hmmmm. Don't know about that combination.
  2. Where is Mira? Oops, she just walked in to the LR. Sorry.
  3. I am not good with faces. Who is the male guest
  4. I don't really understand wearing clod-hoppers with 4 inch heels indoors. I guess there must be a reason (comfortable?)
  5. I can't believe I am posting this, but it is starting to get a bit boring. Just MHO, of course, or maybe I am tired.
  6. I am making hay while the sun shines (I would be unable to see anything if they moved to the bedroom)
  7. Beautifully spanked red ass. (or spanked beautiful red ass, lol)
  8. I didn't realize that Veronica was in the middle, and it does not seem like they are finished. I don;t think Mira would let Henry slap her around like that.
  9. Which room are you in? Is the white haired girl not Veronica? Or did you mean the girl in the bedroom?
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