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Everything posted by tweety

  1. Are these guys "good friends" or just good friends?
  2. I remember this guy from a previous visit. The salt & peeper hair.
  3. Great posts Amy. The animation makes a great difference. Thanks.
  4. Amy, what software are you using to get the animation?
  5. Ary, I know you can do better than the quoted narrative. You beat me to my request. TY.
  6. its a start. We hope for a lot more than nipple.
  7. Damn, they all disappeared into the somewhere unseen. Thanks Amy
  8. And the universe evolves as it should. LOL
  9. After the first hand of the card game. I know there are better camera angles....
  10. Whatever the number, he doesn't stand a chance. Three black-haired vamps ready to suck and fuck his dick dry.
  11. On Cam 3 who is the girl closest to us, sitting next to Misty?
  12. I like a juicy titbit now and again. Enlighten us.
  13. X2 . ..... and in the living room please, while the English lessons are going on. Lots of possibilities, there..
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