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Everything posted by tweety

  1. I guess there is nothing on TV
  2. Good pic. I still have a black screen. Edit: I am gone. Good luck with VH today
  3. the VH banner says "Slow download issue to be resolved on Feb the 7th. We're on it." Slow download issue to be resolved on Feb the 7th. We're on it. V
  4. Don't know if it is a really slow internet connection, or VH, but all I get is a dark screen with a revolving circle. Am I alone in this universe? Edit: My connection down is over 50 Mbps, as I pay for. So, not the internet connection
  5. I see from the thumbs that the big yin has clothes on
  6. They are becoming well satisfied. Good job.
  7. I am not sure what you mean, waldi. I can hear from upstairs, but only see downstairs.
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