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Everything posted by purplewrap

  1. If she is on as suggested above, pain will sometimes do that to you.
  2. Has she got a pad on? Or is there a little string down there? 😊
  3. very yummy πŸ˜πŸ˜› It would be lovely if we had a couple of more girls on VH like May😍 Dana's got nice black/dark hair, so she would have a lovely looking bush πŸ’•
  4. Just want to say 'Thank You' for reminding me about the ignore list 😁 Now I don't need to unread or suffer through piles of πŸ’©! And I can already feel my mood has improved exponentially! Yay!! πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ
  5. This is something that I believe happened 😊 The way I see it, it has become quite apparent, that this little 'game' has not worked out the way the participants envisaged! (is that the understatement of the year?!? 🀣 ) I'm also not sure they considered it to be a lie per se, more like an enactment. If anything like this happens again, perhaps the twitter guy can make an annoncement... "game in progress. everyone stay cool"
  6. Perhaps say something along the lines that nothing illegal transpired in this apartment? 🀣 A lot of people - myself included - likes your jovial way of looking at things. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who smiles - hell, laugh out load sometimes - when reading your posts/replies. Keep it up amigo! πŸ‘
  7. Hey @jabbath1987 😊 You should change your nick from 'VH Priest' to 'VH Ticket Master' 🀣 That would be pretty cool πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
  8. The point being someone could have a particular interest in watching such a thing - even if it's only pretend. Google it, and see how many hits you get 🀣 What I'm trying to get across here is that nobody really knows what the arrangement was between Dana and this guest girl. If it was a deliberate lie, then yes, there should be a punishment. But what if it wasn't a lie? It's not like it is a novelty to prearrange something in the VH circle...
  9. This principle should go without saying. Not much of an argument there from anybody I don't think?! πŸ‘β˜ΊοΈ Why do you say this?? Please explain to me how you know this was a deliberate lie and that the conversation was not something prearranged by Dana and the guest girl prior to entering the apartment.
  10. How do you know it was a deliberate lie? That's the thing I don't understand. How do you know it was not something prearranged? A prearranged discussion they did agree upon before they entered the apartment for the benefit of the cams? I mean...everything is still available to watch... Dont you think VH would have deleted it by now if it was anything illegal that transpired?
  11. LOL 🀣 Any capable man or woman knows that it is. A more appropriate question that you should ask yourself is this.... how do you know it was a secret? And not more like a prearranged set-up? I mean, with all due respect, it's all there on the timeline. VH MUST have looked at it, contacted those involved and believed what they was told. Otherwise, VH would surely delete anything involving this particular guest. Failure to do so would be criminal! Consider this scenario.... someone English speaking person contacted Dana on one of her cam shows and asked if something like this could happen.... Dana invites an "unsuspecting" girl home to her flat and when guest girl asks about the cams, Dana pretends "she doesn't know" how the cameras work, thus rendering the action as "hidden". They also must talk in English. Doesn't matter what it is as long as it is in English and not Ukrainian. Then proceeds to have "hidden" sex. What's more plausible? Some kind of prearranged scenario? Or something illegal happening and VH doesn't lift a finger to prevent it (same VH by the way you saw deal with Romeo for example)
  12. So you treat their word as gospel, is that it? I apologise if you think I'm giving you a hard time here....BUT....as a VH member myself, I actually checked the timeline right now, and nothing is deleted! ☺️ So yeah, I must admit I am getting rather confused with all of this...
  13. That's fair enough. May question was...how do you know it was deleted??
  14. How do you know?? Did YOU watch the timeline yourself?
  15. The question I have is this.... Who said is was a lie?? I mean....how do people know? I understand that Dana said - in english - that the cams doesn't work or is not online at the moment. BUT....who on this Forum know Dana personally? Who says she was serious about that comment? I mean, who on this Forum know about the conversation that took place before the girls entered the apartment? Also, don't people on here think it is odd that the girls having sex is still available for all VH members to watch over and over? If indeed something illegal had taken place - and we all know what kind of climate we live in now - don't people on here think all that sex stuff - Hell, everything with guest girl involved - would have been deleted as well? That just doesn't make sense to me. The apartment taken off line, because VH investigated. I suspect they managed to talk to the girl in question - that's just my personal opinion though! And after Dana explained this Royal cockup, perhaps it wasn't so illegal after all? Perhaps something was attempted that backfired? Don't get me wrong here people... I'm 100% against being portraid on cam(s) without your knowledge and express consent as everybody else. Leaving the sex for all to see CAN NOT be a good thing!! So VH leaving it on the timeline can only mean one thing.
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