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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. doing tequila at 5:40 am you cant give up on them if they are doing tequila
  2. go figure things have been so boring on rlc lately now we might actually have something going on and they will probally do nothing wtf is up with rlc lately first all the girls were masturbating on cam everyday and we had a few fake les shows every week now pretty much nothing now sam goes on vacation sasha and dasha also and absolutely nothing has been going on in the barca apts and the room mate apts
  3. watch our luck lately they will all leave and take it elsewhere
  4. so will we get a threesome I don't think the guest spent a hour putting on makeup at 2:30am for the hell of it,and we cant forget about eva washing off the dildo right before he showed up
  5. the question is who is he there for the guest spent a lot of time on makeup then got dressed but she is ignoring the guy and the guy sat at the table with eva
  6. am I crazy or is it actually daylight there at 3am
  7. looks like eva and guest might be going out putting on makeup on at 2:20 am
  8. kinda wish these girls would go out once in a while wondering when they might come home and watching the door would be more interesting than this bullshit
  9. damn no mom and no boyfriend and look at all the nudity and all the lesbian sex thank god them two are not holding the girls back right now or we would be missing all this fun 🙄
  10. no pussy is that good or maybe he knows she is his meal ticket what ever it is it is not worth it
  11. I need a breathalyzer for my laptop so I don't make stupid purchases when I am drunk like when I resubscribed for this shit the other night wtf was I thinking I knew better I blame the alcohol 😔
  12. these girls would not be doing anything different even if both of them left,i think all the girls in both of the barca apts and the roomates apts need to be replaced and start over imo
  13. the change in the forum could not have come at a worse time just when rlc is as boring as I have seen it now we have a dozen topics to talk about nothing
  14. it would not be a shock if she is seeing someone after all they are the most sexually open couple on RLC by far
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