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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. I get they just met..I guess I have some feelings left of how Foxy's apartment was raided by N & A. would rather think of them being at the two opposite ends of Russia from S&S.. We'll see..
  2. Not a pushy Alan fan..not every girl wants to see that sea cucumber in his pants. Stella might strangle him with it..haha
  3. Gonna start seeing George, Nina and Alan around their place now? some weird shit..
  4. Feels like the twilight zone..
  5. Crazy seeing Stella at Nina's..didn't even know they were in the same vicinity..why did they give up their apartment before they left. Where is Stephan..fing nuts..
  6. G came by to spread his germs and grope the girls..
  7. No, Like I said a great arrangement. I think this is a designated girl he's allowed to play with when she is out with her girls. She said she was not interested in other guys but Stephan was allowed other girls. So in review.. Stella is f__g hot, Doesn't like other guys, She loves other girls and sometimes brings them home for him, lets him have a mistress, loves the ground he walks on..busts her ass making money for them.. Sounds like Nirvana or winning the lottery to me!!
  8. Alone tonight but I suppose they worked it out..Stella might be out fucking her girl friend tonight as well..Nice arrangement..
  9. Guess I'm not following you..I knew she was there one night watching and maybe even coaching them and didn't participate.. Then was there without Stella another time ans did with him.. I was commenting about it being ok to spend the night with another woman without Stella there.. It didn't work like that in the past.. It must work for them now..
  10. My guess is Stella sleeps and has sex with her girl friends so in some way it's the same to them that Stephan sleeps with his friends that are girls..In some warped way it seems fair..🤙
  11. So..Stephan has a sleepover..welcomed by Stella..just got married last week.....Those crazy kids..lol🤓
  12. I agree..lost something recently.. Good for her..onward and upward..Happy trails Foxy!!!!
  13. So off topic but what happened to Foxy.. Left for a few days and she's gone..not even in archives..did they blow up the space ship???!!! haha
  14. Congrats Stephan and Stella..!!! Send pics from Cuba!!
  15. Agree..you have the exact best couple in here for that..!!!
  16. Love how Pete keeps us tuned in on here from time to time..
  17. I heard Em and Sia are moving into the old place.. lol I have to stop listening to myself
  18. Ya just read that..this looks like an awsome place for Lexy and Pete..
  19. Masha went on vacation with the people staying with them..She seemed hooked up to the one guy, Maybe it will work out best for all. Masha find a new man of her own..
  20. Stephan seems like a different cat from when their first apartment was going..interesting to watch the transformation..Stella is always sexy as hell..
  21. wonder why she didn't jump in..even took a bath..seems like alot of random girls around lately. Kinda hot..
  22. Wonder if s&s go to peoples homes and just have sex for them to watch.. she was just watching.. nice little part time gig..
  23. not bad to have a tight little pussy..Alan makes store boughts look small..I love the sounds that come out of Sina..she looks like a hot librarian.
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