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Everything posted by Houlii

  1. you guys make me look like an amateur. haha
  2. Sorry Sparkles..wasn't directed at you..Kind of directed in general to the point that this place is as real as you imagine it to be..The couple in the living room was real..lol
  3. Each apartment offers different kinds of shows.. whether it's a orgy party, single sex, chatterbate, or a little of all of it..none of this is truly real..I don't get paid for walking around my house or fucking my girlfriend..that's real..so enjoy whatever you want in here or save your $40,,
  4. Respectively disagree on the realness. Yes the cam shows are shows..But it's definitely not all that goes on..Difference between us is this is one I pay attention to..sounds like you tune them out,, Lots of apartments to watch..
  5. Now thinking Dasha isn't part of it..she doesn't look happy..Like Masha does
  6. Agreed but beats watching them do computer work or an empty apartment while they are at work. I take my hat off to the girls making money verses sitting around all day doing nothing. For me the addition of parties and friends balances it out..Can always tune the cam show out I guess..
  7. Sorry to say this topic divides good people (us) Think I'll stop here..
  8. By today's standards they probably wouldn't be legal.. Not sure about the Canadian standards of immigration although you have universal healthcare.. Glad your story is doing well for you..Make Canada Great Again..wish he was your president..not ours..
  9. Guess that makes you a dreamer by today's standards. Good thing your parents didn't want to come here in 2017. Good chance you wouldn't be here..You are also Fortunate to have parents that taught you Pride and honor and good values. Count your blessings, not everyone is so lucky..
  10. It's a debate that can't be had with a Trump fan.. I'm a conservative republican and he doesn't begin to represent me. Small minds share small thoughts. Happy to hear you're not a immigrant or someone down on their luck..
  11. Let's take some of Trumps Ideas and claims and put then into and intelligent, articulate, caring, man or woman who wouldn't constantly attack OUR democracy, values and who won't push my daughter or yours up against the wall and grab her pussy. Man's a taker and a pig, better people Republican or Democrat in this country should be OUR President.. Get the fuck out and vote this guy back to hell.
  12. Most of these people work at jobs to earn money for thing this site can't provide. Caming happens to be her job. Rather watch that than have them leave for 8 hours to go to work. And you get to watch it if you want.. The rest of the time is mostly spent going about living. If residents were having sex all day which some complain about not having, There would be nothing natural about that..Really like S&S on their own..
  13. Groomy, is the problem that Em Feels bad because she worried for Sid having a place to go if he goes. I see him playing the marter when she's upset then he's normal when she's out of the room.. in your opinion is he playing her? In my opinion she is social when neither Bob or Sid are around. Confusing situation.
  14. If you want to keep Em in this..maybe relocate her to another apartment for a while..he can't follow her and will have to leave..Sid is on easy street and he knows it..doesn't have to work and has a free place to live..that's it..He can find a job and a place to live..he has buddies there all the time..go stay with them.
  15. Sid is guilt tripping her..only way to fly is to kick the bird out of the nest.. This relationship is not going to bloom into a loving one..it's dead..move on Sid..
  16. Tossed her on her head..wonder what they're waiting for..becoming a dysfunctional situation..Might be Em's problem but she's gonna need help with it..Lisa and grant have rights too..
  17. Guess they weren't feeling it tonight..Always love when Hannah comes to call..
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