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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. Like most of her shows it was on a free cam. I hope you did not subscribe just for that .
  2. As soon as that angel dropped her phone she stood no chance, Kristy is just to good at cuddling .
  3. When all you can come up with is bullshit like this please don't whine when people disregard everything you say.
  4. Yeah right... If you find a Mod willing to play your little game I'll gladly give him the proof and he can decide.
  5. Sometimes it's best to take the L especially when you're only making assumptions against people who watched the scene. This inability to admit that you're wrong will only make people think that you are insane.
  6. They went to get a condom apparently. You're wrong on both count but there's nothing new there. Why don't you get a subscription instead of calling out people without knowing anything?
  7. She was averting her eyes and wincing when she told him to turn the lights off. They were coming from the bedroom were they were in the dark so their eyes were accustomed to obscurity. But of course the reason they turned off the lights after fucking openly in the bedroom for 10 minutes is to hide!
  8. I don't think there are night lights in most bathrooms. They don't anticipate that people go in there with the lights off.
  9. I doubt it was premeditated, the lights seemed to hurt Stesha's eyes. They fucked openly in the Kitchen yesterday so they're not really hiding.
  10. Probably not but we might get a shower. There's a guy too, I haven't watched enough to determine if he was her bf or not.
  11. Yeah you need a good cpu right now. All the major Internet browsers seem to be dropping support for flash so hopefully RLC will drop that piece of shit technology.
  12. Hey it's the blonde who spent some time at Dasha and Demid's apartment. She's very very hot .
  13. You can always use the "auto-follow top cam" option and software to record your screen. It's not perfect but you get to see the most important things.
  14. I think two siblings kissing is legal in most non crazy countries. I also think that sex between siblings is legal in many places, they're usually just not allowed to get married. In the end it doesn't hurt anyone, it's just weird. Anyways, the rule of thumb on RLC is that if you think that a guest is the brother/sister of one of the tenants, well he/she's probably not.
  15. Both Nina and Kira have kissed that girl so I don't think she's related to them.
  16. Hem by my count there are two more of them. The two that were at Kristy's birthday party in addition to the three main angels.
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