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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. She checked how she looked in the mirror with what looked like an access badge around her neck so my guess is what she's doing tonight is work related.
  2. And to think she will have to do this all over again when Vika leaves a she moves to another room. What a shame...
  3. If only there there were some optic device that could record what happens in Kamila's room and then transmit it to us so we would know for sure. Oh wait... Yeah she jerked him.
  4. Well according to Kitek's latest translations you might be right anyway. Their relationship is so strange.
  5. He's not exactly on time out, he got a handjob from kamila last night in her bed. That said I'm so happy to see them spend time together, even outside the apartment.
  6. You know those porn videos where the mother teaches her daughter how to fuck? Well Vanessa could learn a lot from her mom, that woman is skilled.
  7. You must have an issue on your end because the audio is fine. Great video Newton.
  8. Kamila does not seem to be leaving with her friend. Will we have some K&K alone time again tonight?
  9. St tropez really? At the moment in France we're more inclined to kick Russians out of the country than letting them in. I guess we can make an exception for Kamila . But no boyfriend! he might be a hooligan.
  10. Apart from their trip to Thailand, this apartment is almost never empty for so long. I would however gladly have more downtime like this in the future if this means that they spend more time together in the apartment instead of having rotating shifts to always have one girl present.
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