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Everything posted by ericjeanjean

  1. They shot videos in the bedroom and the living room before the third angel arrived. They just showed them to her and Kamila.
  2. I believe he is talking about the video Kristy and her friend made when they danced in the living room and on the windowsill.
  3. It was short but strong words were exchanged when Kristy went to the Kitchen. Noldus posted about it. Even without knowing the language it's easy to see when people are arguing, Kristy even waved her off when she left the room. Kamila has been pissed ever since she woke up. Earlier when she went to pick up her laptop in the living room she didn't say a word or look at anybody.
  4. When you see two people argue then soon after one of them goes to her room to cry we can safely assume that the crying is bout the argument.
  5. Kristy really is a serial cuddler. If you lie besides her you better be ready for some groping,stroking and scratching.
  6. OK after her I want Kristy to do her yoga with the angels (Especially Jules in those shorts )
  7. I wonder who is dumb enough to say that? But she hasn't cleaned her nose so I was half right! (She'll probably do it in 2 minutes now)
  8. That was a really lovely night at the penthouse. It's always nice to see k&k and the angels having fun.
  9. Well, the girls have been drifting apart lately and hardly see each other. The fact that Kamila wants Kristy to come on a trip tells me that she wants to spend time with her.
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