Very few tats enhance a girls looks. A beautiful girl is a beautiful girl. The addition of a tat detracts from those looks. Maya's tat has definitely done her no favours.
I noticed one of her friends who slept over had a big tattoo in the middle of her chest (not on her tits). It looked fucking awful as well!!!
'A modern love story'
'Oh to impinge upon the minge,
all slippery and wet and me all set,
in I go and her face doesn't matter,
all I can think of is how long I can twat her'
It ain't Shakespeare or Squirrel or Chaucer but it says everything about guys attitudes to sex!!!!
In Olde English you forgot other words for a females sex organ - twat, fag, fanny, beef curtains, cunny, front bottom, slit, muff, minge (a favourite of mine!), gash to name but a few!!!
We always have been inventive with the English language!!!
She is trying to join a women's self help group 'How to achieve your first orgasm'.
The site explains the first rule is to ditch men with bent dicks and the inability to resist shooting a cum load in under 5 minutes.
The second is to teach your partner the exact location of your clitoris. Detailed handbooks are available for fully paid up members to distribute to their chosen partner.
The third is to avoid running your hands through your hair more than 100 times in each 5 minute period of love making.
The forth and most important is to use your own hand. Never let your partner apply pressure on your clitoris. Most men will never understand how a clitoris must be handled, even though some men have been known to apply the right pressure with their tongues. This rarity cannot be relied upon.
LOL!!! I know this thread is rarely used but when it pops up the excitement is all the greater!!!!! The let down seeing only the ramblings of old dudes is even greater!!!
He is doing well not to get angry himself. She spat in his face and slapped him a few times. I think I would have found it very difficult not to slap her back especially for spitting.
We need an a translation.
That poor girl just gets excited and ohh dear Paul cums on her arse. She stops moaning instantly. He gets tissue. She wipes clean. He never thinks of her needs again!
Oh dear Paul. I think you are actually getting worse!!!
I don't think he know women have a clit. If he does he thinks it is attacked from the rear with his full hand!!!
Leora constantly tries to use her hands to guide him but he never gets the message!!! I only wish Leora would do it for herself. The trouble is he is nearly always in the apartment!!
I think we are frustrated with Paul's inability to understand women. I suspect Leora is his first girlfriend. He has no understanding of sex and foreplay is something he has never heard of!
He can't identify the go signals from the no signals. In fact he never sees any signals! He simply gets horny and pushes himself upon Leora who either responds enthusiastically or responds reluctantly. Either way she ends up frustrated and let down. Paul remains in ignorant bliss and considers himself a stud for making Leora moan. By the way I suspect her moans are real but she overdoes the excitement which actually over excites Paul.
I think the frustration we watchers feel is not being able to teach Paul about women!! We see a lovely girl being used but never satisfied. We envy Paul but want to slap him round the head for being like a small boy who is always misbehaving!
I always feel inclined to support Paul. He is obviously an intelligent guy with ambition and I hope he makes himself a good life. He just needs to learn about women!!!!