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van the man

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Everything posted by van the man

  1. Two towns in England one spelt Slough and one spelt Brough. Slough is pronounced to rhyme with cow and Brough is pronounced to rhyme with rough!!!! No American could say this sentence correctly 'I now live in Slough but used to live in Brough!!!'
  2. Thanks Celeb. I look forward to seeing the vids. I appreciate your efforts.
  3. Did you know....Gold is the only metal that doesn't rust, even if it's buried in the ground for thousands of years ..
  4. The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times, when knights in armor raised their visors to reveal their identity.One for all our military friends
  5. Hey Celeb_Peeper. Thanks for posting the vids you posted on VoyeurTube. Anna is a great girl. Soooo fucking sexy. Did you mean to post the same vid twice or do you have others? Your efforts are much appreciated.
  6. The good news is that Leora only missed 5 minutes of the football!!!!
  7. Did you know Chimps have discovered the whereabouts of the female clitoris. Paul from RLC is still looking!!!
  8. Anonymous91213 posted a vid to VoyeurTube which was kind of him but it ended before the 'climax!'. If anyone has the full length version it would be great to see. It was a bit like bird watching and seeing the rarest bird only to see it fly off just before you could capture a picture!!!! With Nora and Kiko getting it on less frequently than a couple of pandas we watchers appreciate every vital second!!
  9. Thanks for posting the vid. I have to say she is a sexy lady. If you have any more vids or pics feel free to share them!!!
  10. Lets face it Paul drives us all crazy with his sexual efforts anyway so not seeing him fumble around looking for a clitoris and not seeing him bang away for all of 3 minutes is not really any loss!!! Leora is nice eye candy and would be a loss to RLC but as a sexual couple it only reminds me of myself when I was 13!!!!
  11. Did you know that a cat has 32 muscles in each ear!!!
  12. At the top left corner of the home page of RLC there is a ? sign. Click on that.
  13. before the end of the trial you must cancel your subscription. Click on the ? mark and it will advise you to click through to Seg Pay.
  14. It is minus 13 degrees C today where they are and forecast to go to minus 24!!! Russian houses must be brilliantly insulated or their power bill must be huge!!!
  15. I think the discussion taking place on this thread actually explains why CamCaps is worth hanging on to. A group of intelligent guys discussing issues of interest with people from various nations and expressing differing views. Views that can be incisive or witty or insightful or spiteful or just plain daft. The point is we are all free to express our viewpoint without fear of censorship. I think we are all educated enough to understand the difference between bigotry and racism and reasoned argument. I think we all accept the self censorship that racism is fundamentally wrong. Colour is irrelevant. Character is everything. However, character influences behaviour. My beef tends to be with the behaviour of various groups, more often religious groups. Sadly unlike my religion which preaches love and community others preach hate and separation. As we know from centuries of conflict, religious beliefs leave very little room for compromise. Consequently I believe the greatest threat to mankind is Islam. Sadly Islam has been distorted by Wahhabism which is promoted by Saudi Arabia. I doubt anyone in Saudi Arabia can choose not to be a Muslim. Intolerance is rife. Like all evil empires they only prosper by coercion. Nelson Mandela was once asked why he became a terrorist (as judged by the South African authorities). His answer was that if you discuss the rights and wrongs of racism with those in power and each time they refuse to accept they are wrong in any way and are simply unable to accept any other point of view then you only have one option left. Reasoned argument is futile. The western world is now in this position. Reasoned argument does not work. Can you ever see the Taliban admitting they are wrong? Of course not. We simply therefore have to stop them and we have to stop all those that share their beliefs. Within Islam if I am not a Muslim by definition I am Kafir who is committing an unforgivable sin and therefore is an enemy of Islam. I hate no-one and try to love everyone. If only such love was reciprocated. Sadly some people will only ever hate. I love CamCaps because I can share my point of view with others from around the world. I always look forward to responses to my posts and other members of the Old Dudes. Stick around Kevinbsam7. Let the debates continue.
  16. It is minus 13C today in Krasnoyarsk. Their heating and insulation systems must be fucking brilliant to enable them to sit around naked all day.
  17. Did you know feral herds of horses in the Americas were known as 'Mustangs'. The modern day 'Mustang' has lots of horse power.
  18. I only feel they don't have a future on RLC because when someone discovered the advert in Barcelona they were seeking young couples without children. Although RLC is about 'real life' I am not sure many people would tune in to listen to a screaming new born who is probably going to scream for at least the next two years! The sound of a screaming child is not a pleasant one. I listened to that sound for far too many years!
  19. Did you know we once owned 4/5ths of all the worlds horses!! A small fact but interesting! Maybe we have a new subject for another Old Dudes thread. 'Did you know.......'
  20. Glad you had a busy and rewarding day!!!! I managed a few hours away from my computer today. I will break my addiction!!! LOL!!!
  21. On behalf of all Brits I thank you!!! We Brits are very good at wars! We are a nation of warriors who are generally polite and tolerant but when pushed too far are prepared to fight like dogs until victory is secured!! Of course the US is now the key defender of the faith and western values. My worry has always been that the US invariably looks at every situation through their own vested eyes. This has led to the policy summed up as 'if you are an enemy of my enemy then you are my friend regardless of who you are and what you stand for' The US supported Iraq against Iran and the Taliban against the Russians but it failed to support the UK against the Argentinians (it did help us behind the scenes). The US has become universally hated because it is perceived as only really fighting for its narrow vested interest. Overall the US has defended the western world against all comers and I take my hat off to them. I despair at your current president. He hurt the UK immensely when he said its most important ally was France. The UK people would have been less upset if he said the Germans!!! Roosevelt once said that the greatest gift any nation had given another was Radar. We British took it to the US in a small box which when opened by the US scientists made their jaws drop in surprise. In return the US made the UK pay for all its war supplies!! Only the UK paid in money for the war (Russia paid the biggest price in lost people). We finally paid our war debt on 29th December 2006. We paid every cent!! God bless America but god save America from wet liberals like Obama.
  22. I want to see her completely go over the top. I want her orgasm to blow her mind. Watching her react to a full on proper mind blowing orgasm would be wonderful. I think she would love it too!!! Paul would think he was in for a slap!!!
  23. The thing is we war mongering Brits then blew him and his crew out of the water!!!!! LOL!!!
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