I think the discussion taking place on this thread actually explains why CamCaps is worth hanging on to. A group of intelligent guys discussing issues of interest with people from various nations and expressing differing views.
Views that can be incisive or witty or insightful or spiteful or just plain daft.
The point is we are all free to express our viewpoint without fear of censorship. I think we are all educated enough to understand the difference between bigotry and racism and reasoned argument. I think we all accept the self censorship that racism is fundamentally wrong. Colour is irrelevant. Character is everything. However, character influences behaviour.
My beef tends to be with the behaviour of various groups, more often religious groups. Sadly unlike my religion which preaches love and community others preach hate and separation. As we know from centuries of conflict, religious beliefs leave very little room for compromise. Consequently I believe the greatest threat to mankind is Islam. Sadly Islam has been distorted by Wahhabism which is promoted by Saudi Arabia. I doubt anyone in Saudi Arabia can choose not to be a Muslim. Intolerance is rife. Like all evil empires they only prosper by coercion.
Nelson Mandela was once asked why he became a terrorist (as judged by the South African authorities). His answer was that if you discuss the rights and wrongs of racism with those in power and each time they refuse to accept they are wrong in any way and are simply unable to accept any other point of view then you only have one option left. Reasoned argument is futile.
The western world is now in this position. Reasoned argument does not work. Can you ever see the Taliban admitting they are wrong? Of course not. We simply therefore have to stop them and we have to stop all those that share their beliefs. Within Islam if I am not a Muslim by definition I am Kafir who is committing an unforgivable sin and therefore is an enemy of Islam.
I hate no-one and try to love everyone. If only such love was reciprocated. Sadly some people will only ever hate.
I love CamCaps because I can share my point of view with others from around the world. I always look forward to responses to my posts and other members of the Old Dudes.
Stick around Kevinbsam7. Let the debates continue.