After watching this apartment over so many months I have to say that the attraction has finally worn away!!!.
Watching such unhappy people living such uninspired lives, who despite seemingly having all the trappings of a modern life don't manage to speak more than the occasional word to each other and find solace in watching second rate movies on their shitty little TV or computer.
Kiko seems to be clinically depressed. He has no energy for life and is determined to hurt Nora at every opportunity.
Nora craves love and affection and gets almost nothing back.
Laughter and fun left this household a long time ago. I doubt it will ever return.
Their sex life is all or nothing. Nothing for weeks with Kiko determined to resist any seduction from Nora, then suddenly his resistance is broken and wam, bang they fuck like crazy. A few days later depression descends again!
Nora a life like this is not for one so beautiful. When will you realise???? Nora lovers everywhere are waiting to save you!!!!