Not downloaded the vid posted by Corboblanc but whatever it is doesn't deserve such a reaction. The guys who post vids should always be thanked. They make the effort and make this forum more interesting.
Nora is beautiful from head to toe. Her body is sensual as is every move she makes with it. When she makes love she is flexible and is prepared to use her flexibility to try any position. She takes it up the ass (and actually seems to enjoy doing so). She sucks and swallows. She dresses in corset and stockings and looks absolutely stunning!
She dances and sings, does modelling and model management. Management demands a degree of intelligence and good communication skills. She even makes dresses and sews!
The only downside is she doesn't seem to mind living in a dirty apartment and cooking meals is something she doesn't seem to have mastered! For these skills I can get in an Au Pair!
For everything else a man desires Nora is fucking PERFECT!!!!
I would like to discuss with Nora her motivation for being on RLC and what she thinks will be its effect on her future life. I would also want to know if her parents know about her involvement in RLC and what they think if they know.
I would want to make a judgement about her level of intelligence. Is she degree class? Is she middle class?
I would like to discuss her job and what she actually does within the modelling/modelling management and whether her modelling friends know about RLC.
And finally I want to fucking know who the hell Vika is (their regular guest)!!!!!!
The dog lays around all day, sleeps, scratches his balls, eats anything in sight (apart from Leora's pussy) and chases other bitches. The other dog is called Fido!!!
I suspect Google Translate is far better starting from English. A better test would be to start from Russian and move to Spanish and then to English. Translate invariable gets the structure of the sentence wrong!
Key words come at the end of an English sentence but appear to start with key words in other languages. Btw I cannot speak any other language than English, American, Australian, Canadian, Irish, New Zealand or South African! Fucking hell I AM multi-lingual!!!
I think she never cums. It's all build up and no climax. Porn movies are shit when the women moan and scream like banshees for half an hour or more! I turn the sound off!!!
Leora would defo be welcomed into my house. She needs educating in what makes good sex!!! I would be a good teacher!!!
Hey Chevy Do you think Leora has ever cum? Her over the top moaning and constant playing with her hair suggests to me she is simply trying to be sexy but never gets anywhere near?
One thrust from Paul and she is screaming out of control!!! She actually doesn't help because she makes Paul too excited by making him think he is the worlds best stud!! If she calmed down and built up to a rewarding climax maybe trigger happy Paul could last longer than a few minutes!!!!
Paul makes me smile, he cums then trots to the bathroom, brings three sheets of paper then ALWAYS has to go back and bring another few sheets of paper. Maybe toilet paper is expensive in Russia!!!!