bed for me too! I am fucking knackered!!! She is fucking hot for sure. I think she might have been signalling something!! Umm what could that be? Just give me some time I might be able to work it out! Well I will once the TV programme is finished!!!!
He is a good guy actually. Staying power to match her never ending need for cock is very good!
He is pretty damn useless it has to be said. His performances are dire. Having a weird banana knob can't help but he has no stamina or staying power!!!
Still if I had leora underneath me maybe I would only last 5 minutes!!!
They had sex earlier in the bedroom (I only heard them sadly!) so they wont be doing it again tonight!! Paul couldn't manage it twice that's for sure!!!! Leora is a wonderfully sexy little minx but she does actually need some sleep. She goes to work very early. Paul sleeps in until at least mid day so he can stay awake watching crap TV!
For sure she has a job. It was commonly felt that she was either a nurse or worked in a pharmacy. Purely conjecture but she does have a job.
She is a very hard working girl who has to come home to cook and clean.
Paul on the other hand does precisely nothing! Other than breathe he finds it difficult to do anything else. Well he does strum a guitar reasonably well to be fair.
He will probably sleep for most of the day then crawl towards his computer after staggering to the bathroom to check whether his cock has started to bend even further the wrong way than it does normally. Banana cock will then have to take a good rest to recover walking the entire distance from toilet to sofa! Jesus does the floor slope in the living room he wonders. How the fuck can I be expected to manage to climb such a mountain to go for a piss. It's exhausting. Hopefully Leora will be home soon to make my lunch/dinner/supper and wipe my arse.
For fuck sake its a tough world!!!!
If Ariel and Harvey have packed to leave maybe Floyd and Jasmine could move into their apartment. They are probably both in Barcelona so could easily move in.
Those panties look very odd! What is the point of the design with the gap at the back? No it can't be for easy access!!! :).
Still she looks good in not a lot! Breasts to die for!!! ummmm!!!
Well said Shadow. All this talk of Russian mafia is stupid Americans living Hollywood influenced lives! Americans always criticise other nations as not being as developed and civilised as they are yet they roam the world sticking their noses in other nations business on the basis they have a 'vested' interest.
All they achieve is a fucked up world!!! As Oliver Stone proved in his series on presidents since the 2nd world war, America have only ever been interested in themselves!!!
It would seem that Nora has slept for almost 24 hours! Despite being my all time favourite RLC girl I have to say that she is just about the laziest girl I have ever seen!!!
Unless she has the most deadly illness known to man I cannot understand how anyone can sleep for the entire day. Having woken up she cannot mutter even the slightest thing to Kiko.
He is pathetically miserable again. Sad to say but this couple is in terminal decline.
They do nothing but watch the worst TV in the world or play with their mobile phones (who the hell communicates with them!). They do nothing, see almost no-one and have the conversation skills of deaf mutes who can't do sign language!
New girl gave both Nora and Kiko a reason to discover the pleasures of language and its use!!!!
Both of them have a serious deficiency in B12. This can be the only explanation for their lack of energy. Well lack of a decent meal could also be the cause!
I have been blinded by my admiration for how Nora looks and how she performs in bed (when not asleep or ignoring her pathetic partner!) but enough is enough. A new couple is needed in this house. It will take a week to clean the place before anyone else can move in but it would be worth the wait!!!
Rant over - PS Nora's ass is fucking great!!! :)
Thanks Bolacha much appreciated.
I'm sure Paul's useless performance is because his cock bends the wrong way!! Leora deserves a medal going anywhere near it. Beauty and the beast thing!!