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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. And after that, Kamila might be laughed at and she will regret her move.
  2. Lol! I was actually thinking the same thing when Kristy was going out. It would have been funny if she indeed brought another girl with her and introduced her to Kammi. 'This is Olga (what's in a name) and we just met eachother in the club (awkward slilence). Well, we are going to my room now. Night, Kammi. And don't worry, we will keep it quiet.' Looks at Olga. 'Well, at least we will try...' So we think alike. Look up my post in the Kamila thread.
  3. I have to voice out my thoughts: I'm affraid Kristy is not sincere and only want Kamila for her body (as a trophy) After she gets what she has fought for for so many days, she will drop Kamila like an old bag of potato chips. There I said it. Maybe I'm wrong but when somebody keeps on like she does, it doesn't look sincere. She doesn't respect Kamila, she wants her prize.
  4. But will they still sleep in the same bed ? It must be torture for Kristy. Kamila is a tease, she should be honest with Kristy and tell her to sleep in her own bed because she doesn't want to go furthur.
  5. Now don't take this for real, it's a joke : Wouldn't it be funny if Kristy brought a girl to the apt to sleep over ?? REMEMBER IT'S A JOKE !!
  6. No,she's reading your comments on CamCaps.Said they're boring. BY THE WAY, WATCH KRISTY.I DON'T TRUST HER. Now I'm going to eat dinner and watch St.Louis Cardinals baseball game on TV. BYE. Good, now maybe I can get an answer.
  7. Ok thanks, but what is wrong with her in bed at 9:30pm not going out with KristY ? Is she still sick ?
  8. That's right I said BEFORE she leaves ! And I read in another thread that Nora and Kamila had a small argument, like I said I did not see it but is it true?
  9. Does anyone knows what the argument between Nora and Kamila was about, I missed it. Hope they patch it up before Kamila leaves
  10. Maybe the phone call was from the bosses at RLC.
  11. No, I don't think so. They may not be as close as before, but they have just spent the entire afternoon together. Would they have done that if they were mad at eachother?
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