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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Quand j'ai écrit DES PHOTOS A VENIR, j'ai oublié mon point d'interrogation.Alors je me reprends DES PHOTOS A VENIR ???
  2. Se caressent elles? Des baisers ? des touchers ? Je ne peux plus aller en haut mais j'aimerais savoir s.v.p.
  3. I thank Kamila go away in one or two week I think it's possible maybe she was asked to come back just to increase subscription. When she leaves things will go back as it was---boring.
  4. Si la nouvelle s'installe, serons nous sous maintenance 24/24 ? Juste pour savoir...
  5. Si la nouvelle s'instale, comment sera l'ambiance dans l'apt ??
  6. Est-ce que Kristy est malade elle est longtemps aux toilettes ?
  7. Yes she did but that girl is putting everybody to sleep with all that yacking.
  8. Now I hope you all saw it Kalina just kissed Kristy before going out on the terrace.
  9. Does that girl ever stop talking . was she born near a recording machine ??
  10. I know one of the guests showed her breasts at the party a while ago, but what about the other one ? Did she ever remove her top ? I'm talking of the cute one with the big Brown eyes.
  11. I just got back, are they still inthe apt. or did they go out ?
  12. Look at that smile on Kristy, that's the smile of a girl who was fulfilled, YES!!! They did have sex but will try to hide it . But the way they cuddled on the sofa do not lie.
  13. Everything seem OK between Kamila and Kristy, they may even shower together later on . It's a shame I got banned and won't be able to record it.
  14. Now why can't they do the maintenance early in the morning when everybody are still asleep ? I'm starting to think like you.
  15. Come on they are not all awake so early ,Kamila doesn't get up before 3PM.
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