And how would those girls have felt if there were cameras connected to the internet and people were making comments about them being working prostitutes,being lesbians,making crude remarks about their bodies,and complaining that they should be removed from the dorm if they don't have sex with each other in order to please the cc people who are paying their dorm rent.
You're quite right Loner. It would have been a totally different situation under these circumstances. We had other things to watch out for though. Like for instance, peeping toms with cameras, who, bless them, somehow managed to get a picture through the narrowist of slits in our blinds. Or those guys who managed to con their way into the house (the excuses were wide and varied i.e., acting as repairmen, plumbers, etc.) One of the boyfriends of one of the girls in the house was caught under the bed of another girl where he was attempting to 'get a shot'. He was kicked out of the house and lost his camera. We ended up having to order campus police to patrol our area on a regular basis. We also had our problems with rumours. Some of them were so outlandish it was shocking. Certainly different times but remarkedly similar problems. Personally I don't see anything that these girls are doing that warrants the name calling and vitriolic comments currently being thrown about so recklessly. They appear to me to be thoroughly decent human beings, and in my hubs eyes "thoroughly gorgeous".
Thank you!!!!