dfCcap, no I didn't know that they knew each other before Kristy arrived.
If it is a fact that K&K knew each other prior to Kristy's arrival,...
I understand difficulties in language issues, because my english skills are very poor, but before this will be the next fact, I want to know what dfCcap meant by his question?
a) A matter is in your opinion a fact, and you asked if also bookmaster knew that?
b) You do not know the matter and you asked if bookmaster knows?
I think you meant option b) and bookmaster understood it as an option a)?
Judging by the behavior of Kamila and Kristy at the beginning, they did not know each other.
Damn, now we have to go back and review the tapes to come to the correct conclusion?LOL
Are there any practicing lawyers in here trying to prove anything else? You have a lot of peers in here that will render a verdict!!!