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Everything posted by slywinkle

  1. I didn't even need google translate for that one.
  2. Mit allen, die Haar Flipping und Feixen, es sieht aus wie sie flirten. With all that hair flipping and smirking, it sure looks like she's flirting.
  3. Doesn't matter now. My attraction to them fell flat when I realized they couldn't fix the TV to play the movie fullscreen.
  4. Rita and Milana in robes drinking wine together, smiling and laughing like a couple of lipstick lesbians on a first date. GODDAMN IT!!!! Adjust the aspect ratio on the tv! How can you watch that shit!
  5. This one's for Hector from the Susan and Hector apartment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzY2Qcu5i2A
  6. C'est la fille de "Nelly & Bogdan" Pas "Zoya & Lev"
  7. One can wish. But, to be fair, If I had the apartment to myself, I'd probably lay on the couch and watch Harry Potter too.
  8. Is anyone else getting a Magenta wash on the Kitchen cam? Or is it just me?
  9. Don't think so. Otherwise the cameras would be out. They've gotta be hard wired in. you can hear UPS beeping Ah. I'm at work. Got the sound off.
  10. Don't think so. Otherwise the cameras would be out. They've gotta be hard wired in.
  11. She looks really happy. Dancing around the place, kissing her man. This could be a good apartment.
  12. Something might be going on in the living room now. You can catch the corner of it on the kitchen cam
  13. It's not like there's anything else going on, Let's invent a story! Rita is writing a Harry Potter - Severus Snape fan fic. Nora has some issues with a minor plot point, and that's what the fight was about.
  14. Rita seems calm and collected, Nora's having a hissy fit.
  15. Looks like Rita is trying to get some work done, and Nora's tv watching is disturbing her. Rita pointed upstairs, as if Nora should go up to watch her movie.
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