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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Maybe. But first the bouquet, and then she started running and doing things in hurry
  2. Harley is home alone, she has been in the dining room for this whole time. Olivia and Ulyana went there for a couple of minutes and left. She didn't show them out
  3. With that guy around Loraine has been looking happier and more active with the rest of the girls. Also yesterday could have been effect of alcohol
  4. Harley one of the greatest tenants from the current cast. Should have more highlight
  5. And then she covers the plate and thinks like "no more, I'll stop", and eats more again 😅
  6. They went to le bedroom like, let's leave them alone 😄
  7. I think they were splitted like this because b1 was already full (and following its natural course of change of tenants), they didn't want to be wasting Gina's apartment they had just opened and B4 had free space, but not for all 4. O&U were already very close friends since way before Harley arrived, and there was free space at B4 for them 2, but not for all 4, and b6 hadn't still re-opened, so they were placed there. Also, when b6 re-opened and F&H were about to rejoin, they probably didn't have a couple to place at the moment, and Fiora and Harley ended up being placed there. So I think this might explain their splitting. And I think they also must be looking for an apt for all 4 as Noldus said. I'm just speculating, that's how I see it based on what's been happening
  8. Yeah, that big party organize by Gina and Bruno before Gina left b4, with N&B, Martina, Masha and all that people there was mythical. We needed more of those vibes
  9. That's also all true. At least for a matter of courtesy. They could have invited b2 as a welcoming for them. As for the twins (and the rest of b1) and Harley, they also have never or barely been there, it would have been good to invite them as well. Fiora must be with her guy and it's sad seeing Harley home alone at a friday evening with that party happening (and even with her friends O&U having joined), and she not having gotten invited. But yeah, nothing to do now
  10. That's all very good. Just two observations. Harley could have been invited too. Sad she wasn't. She's home alone. Even her friends O&U joined. And Loraine looks a bit off of it
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