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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Yeah, that big party organize by Gina and Bruno before Gina left b4, with N&B, Martina, Masha and all that people there was mythical. We needed more of those vibes
  2. That's also all true. At least for a matter of courtesy. They could have invited b2 as a welcoming for them. As for the twins (and the rest of b1) and Harley, they also have never or barely been there, it would have been good to invite them as well. Fiora must be with her guy and it's sad seeing Harley home alone at a friday evening with that party happening (and even with her friends O&U having joined), and she not having gotten invited. But yeah, nothing to do now
  3. That's all very good. Just two observations. Harley could have been invited too. Sad she wasn't. She's home alone. Even her friends O&U joined. And Loraine looks a bit off of it
  4. Honestly didn't get what O&U went there to do that quickly and in such hurry. Not to mention Harley cleaning in hurry just before their arrival and her 2 phone calls in the meantime. And now she leaves again for the 3rd time of today. Something strange's going on that I'm not catching. 🤔
  5. Honestly didn't get what O&U went there to do in such hurry
  6. What the heck? Harley just left the dishes she couldn't fit in the dishwasher on the sink without cleaning it. This is really just laziness
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