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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. Always funny to see voyeurs judging about morality.
  2. You mean he's a voyeur? Who would have thought!... Luckily, you're no voyeur being on RLC and this forum, obviously. 😉 Everyone here averts their eyes when girls enter a bathroom! 🤥
  3. ... And she left. 😞 I was hoping she'd stay the night (and have to get out of her black bodysuit to sleep), but it got so late she can probably go home using the morning public transport... Or she just lives nearby.
  4. we got a short inspection of guest girl boobs. Very nice!
  5. Is it just me, or is the guest girl showing a bit less cleavage since Casper entered? The girls seem to have stopped playing truth or dare, in any case. 😕
  6. Pic? Or the (still of) the vid? I don't have replay, so thanks in advance!...
  7. Who is the guest girl in the sofa? She looks pretty. Anyone seen her before? If yes: is she shy or 'generous' in what she shows?
  8. Just wondering why she keeps covering her boobs when she's showing pussy & giving a BJ anyway... Edit: and even while & after fucking, she makes sure her boobs are barely or not visible... as if it makes a difference at that stage...
  9. What was Stella's fate? (is from before my time i think)
  10. Well, it's a "white" themed party, isn't it?... 😉
  11. I know, but can't seem to find her at that party. Which cam captures her best?
  12. Where is the blonde guest girl that Corvette & cylinder seemed to like?
  13. Every forum (or almost) has its resident troll... This one gets his kicks out of being "tough" (or at least he thinks he is), and especially being opinionated, rude and insulting towards other forum users. Maybe it's better to just let him wallow in his misery. Edit: and I didn't mean you, before there are any misunderstandings...
  14. You mean he's a voyeur?... 😉 No one on this forum would ever dream of being a voyeur, obviously... right?...
  15. I guess they're allowed to be naked in their bedroom at least?... Talking about rules: Although a good guess was already done, could anyone translate the actual house rules Margo was told?
  16. This, & also: lots of girls have no problem with nudity by itself, at least when they feel safe & comfortable enough & not judged/condemned or stared at: you see more girls than you'd think at (some) nude beaches, and they are often less shy about being partly or fully naked than (their) guys. But they would never masturbate or do anything sexual there, at least in daylight with other people around (while some few - weird - guys might). I think most (starting) girls on RLC likewise consider nudity as "part of life on cam", but get more shy when there is a sexual connotation to that nudity. For example, for lots of 'regular' girls, it's less 'shameful' to be seen (partly, or shortly) naked by accident or while quickly changing clothes, on the beach for example, than be caught giving a blowjob or something even while fully clothed. I think the same applies for new girls on RLC, as most were until recently normal, regular girls.
  17. One doesn't exclude the other. Putin's troll farms had some influence on people voting for Brexit, too. He considers it in his interest to mess up Europe.
  18. I am European myself, not from beautiful Greece, but northwestern Europe. By the end of making my post, I was indeed wondering why I went through the trouble writing all this, as in my mind it'd probably be useless. But I already got too far to stop. 😄 Glad you & others liked it (though English is not even my first language), and I hope it gave some food for thought.
  19. You didn't offend me. You only embarrassed yourself by expressing the same generalizing & bigoted kind of thought as a lot (not all!) Germans did in the 1930s & WW2, and lots of Russians and their Putinist tools in the West do today (to give just two examples. There are, alas, lots more throughout history). If you were Russian, but with your same mindset, you'd be foaming at the mouth against Ukraine right now, using the same sentence: "it is all of them". Care to elaborate your views with civilized debate instead of insults? Or was the reasoning in my post too complicated for you? One would wonder who the squarehead is...
  20. If you go far enough back in history, you could collectively blame any group or nation as a whole at a certain point in time. Including Americans. Just ask the Native Americans, among others. This is an alley without end... Let's just say Homo Sapiens as a species is capable of horrible things in the right, or rather the wrong, circumstances (such as manipulative dictator types with a big propaganda machine gaining power, or religious fanatics stirring people up, or...), as history so often shows. Nothing inherently makes Germans or Russians biologically or genetically more (or less) prone to cruelty than other humans. Those are external influences, and can change over time. In the next big conflict, it will be "all of them" of nation/group X (maybe yours, or mine,...) that will be the bad guys. "It is all of them", is exactly what Russians are now being spoonfed about "nazi satanic gay-loving" Ukrainians. Apparently you're thinking the same way, just the other way round. Do you still hate the Germans? They are now the country with the strongest anti-nazi laws on Earth. Germans (in general) are now much more allergic to nazi-style propaganda than - for example - Americans. Or Russians. You would get very cold, even hostile, reactions from most Germans (exceptions exist, as always) if you went there saying shit like "the nazis weren't all that bad". Things change. The victims of today can be the perpetrators of tomorrow, and vice versa. Every nation has dark pages in their history (or present, & probably future) not to be proud of (though they all have their portion of extremists & apologists who try to be anyway). Saying "it is all of them" (fill in enemy of your, or rather that of the manipulator behind the scenes, choice) is propaganda lesson 1.1. Saying "it is all of them" is a clear sign of ignorance, no matter who says it, against no matter which enemy. It's a manipulated frame of mind designed to make collective punishment of "the enemy" possible. That's how soldiers go as far as to mass execute civilians without their conscience bothering them (for now), as it's "all of them" and "they deserve it". It's called "demonizing the enemy" & it's an essential propaganda tool for making your people & soldiers ethnically cleanse the enemy population, for example. Saying "It is all of them" is also a slap in the face of all the Germans who resisted Hitler & died for it, and all the Russians who are currently being detained or otherwise in trouble, for opposing the war & their country turning into a dictatorship. As for those who keep silent, they're no heroes but it's how most humans act in comparable situations. Would you (or I) 1) be hero and resist & risk your life/freedom if a dictator came to power? Or 2) keep your head down? Or 3) support him wholeheartedly? Only one way to find out... In practice most humans pick the second of those three options, with the outliers choosing the first or the third. Option 2 is most common, though part of the people tend to gravitate (some for show, some out of belief) towards option 3 when a dictatorship is establishing itself / is on the rise, and towards option one (again, some out of pragmatism, others because their eyes opened) when a dictatorship starts unraveling (due to crises, such as suffering from war, famine, shortages,...) If it is "all of them", why were so many Germans (not even counting the Jewish Germans) arrested & often killed by their nazi government? Why are so many Russians becoming political prisoners and dying strange deaths the last few years or even longer? Surely there would be no Russian political prisoners & assassinations if it was "all of them"?... "Having been somewhere" is not valid as proof of how every single individual over there says, let alone thinks. Lots of people have been there, including foreign correspondents with no love for Putin, but talking to people off the record who are not happy with the direction their country is going (mostly younger people, the older generation tends to want to "make Russia great again" - generalizing here), but (understandably) afraid to publicly speak up. A lot also refuse to be interviewed out of fear. The only ones who aren't afraid to be recorded are Putin supporters or even bigger fanatics like Prigozhin fans - though the latter have had their "night of long knives" recently, too. Case in point, and back on topic: if it was "all of them", there is no way that Ukrainian & Russian RLC tenants could get along or even be able to live in the same house. Still, they clearly do.
  21. Don't worry, it seems the cat helped itself to some meat on the kitchen counter. Or was it another cat? (didn't see it myself)
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