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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. I wonder if Babi has replay...
  2. Guest girl is already delivering more than a lot of tenants... Maybe RLC should recruit her.
  3. Well, Babi was the partypooper... Despite being the instigator earlier on...
  4. They're dressed again, and probably going to just sleep... Or not?... I know I should... πŸ˜• But something makes me stay, for now...
  5. Or Babi should go for a walk & leave the bedroom to the guy & guest girl for the next hour or so. Is the trouble not because of Babi's boyfriend issues? Or is the guy the boyfriend?...
  6. You are funny (albeit unvoluntarily, which makes you even funnier). πŸ™‚ Also: irony. Look it up.
  7. I want to see the guest girl's top come off. I've seen all of her now, except her boobs... Or... Irma getting fed up, entering the bedroom & show everyone how it's done! πŸ™‚
  8. a no is no, kris, as you say. πŸ˜‰
  9. A lot of start & stop, indeed...
  10. Very true, that's why I have nothing against her. And I'm glad tastes differ, so there are certainly enough guys that like her.
  11. Now take a deep breath, and look up both words & explain what they both mean. I'm sure it's not hard.
  12. It's "petty", not "pety". You're typing while emotional again, so you make mistakes. That, or your English needs some brushing up (it's not my first language either, before you condemn me for being condescending towards non-native English speakers). But I think it's the former, as your English is otherwise rather OK. Reread before posting. This may make you rewrite posts too, so they come off as less petulant. Your obsession is clearly Dylan. Obsessive hate, not lust (though who knows...), to be clear, before you misunderstand - wilfully or not. And maybe some other male tenants too, to a lesser degree. You're probably slightly less unhinged than Veritas (whom you were correct to condemn, but I think this was mainly because of his dangerous obsession for Aziza) about Dylan, but that's hardly a reference...
  13. I didn't see it & have no replay, but to be fair, Lubna wouldn't be able to get me hard either... (just not my type, I have nothing against her otherwise).
  14. No one here knows... maybe you/someone could ask RLC support?
  15. Still under maintenance, in the middle of the night...
  16. Well, Carla & Yanai turned out to be a cannibalistic couple who ate their victims off cam. That's why Don Juan & his conquests didn't turn up anymore: they got eaten! Medium rare, washed down with a superb vintage chianti. πŸ˜‹ I could add gutter press descriptions of "the ravenous ogre couple of the Ramblas", but these might be too lurid. They got kicked because they didn't eat them on cam. So not actually "real life", and RLC wanted to set an example to other tenants playing hide & seek with the cams. Not that it helped... PS: for more info, see the archived thread of Carla & Yanai's apartment. But no one really knows for sure. All we have is the silence of the lambs RLC.
  17. a) Let's keep in mind that for a lot of couples, their first holiday together makes or breaks their relationship. They may get more committed to one another, but the opposite might happen just as well: it could also mean the (beginning of) the end. As on holiday, incompatibilities tend to become more clear. We'll have to see. b) Carla & Yanai's apartment was also in Barcelona. It's probably empty now, and if not still sealed by police, could be used to host Masha & Elvis for the duration of their holiday. Of course the suite of B4 may be a bit more likely.
  18. Her house/cat-sitters might. πŸ˜‰ Also, she has friends there. Not everything she does is necessarily done for views. Enough empty beds over there, too (alas...). I don't generally watch her apartment anymore, except when she has (pretty) guests or couchsurfers.
  19. I wouldn't say that. Even if Dylan has run out of tenants to fuck (though not so sure about that), he still might pleasure new tenants. On top of that, he brings guest girls regularly (often a nice change to tenant girls: I like variety...). I wonder if he'll succeed in fucking Lacrim's guest girlfriend... And/or her friend. Tani, Rachel, Aya and/or Oks might also still be on his "to do" list. RLC should also recruit "Don Juan", a regular guest of Carla & Yanai who often brought hot girls to fuck. But I'm not sure if that's a possibility after the shutdown of Carla & Yanai's apartment. I don't know if RLC and C&Y are still on speaking terms, and if they aren't, RLC might not know how to contact Don Juan. πŸ˜•
  20. Nothing has changed. Good to have you back. πŸ™‚ Just wondering which poor lucky girl will be the subject of your obsession interest now that Aziza has left. You will also be delighted to notice that your good friend Dylan is still present, chasing innocent damsels from within and without RLC for you to obsess about protect (or condemn, if they give in to his advances).
  21. Dear Irma, I'm sad I missed out on your more "generous" years on RLC, and that I've seen you only in a rather "modest" way (live, at least πŸ˜‰). But wishing you all the best in your new life! PS: For the rest of your stay as a guest, please just act as if the cameras aren't there (no more, no less). You'll feel more at ease not having to hide every time you wash or change clothes, I'm sure!
  22. A very stark contrast compared to now...
  23. The weirdest thing about this story is that the same girl who put toothpaste on the cams in order not to be seen naked, apparently didn't mind being seen on cam while stealing... Now that's a strange order of priorities if there ever was one, lol. πŸ™‚
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