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Everything posted by Epikouros

  1. A very stark contrast compared to now...
  2. The weirdest thing about this story is that the same girl who put toothpaste on the cams in order not to be seen naked, apparently didn't mind being seen on cam while stealing... Now that's a strange order of priorities if there ever was one, lol. πŸ™‚
  3. I didn't see the bath she had with Masha & Babi (I have no replay, but maybe she hid behind the others somewhat? No idea how she did it considering her misguided 'modesty' later on), but one or two days later I saw her take a shower while sitting in the bath on her own. You could see she was unclothed, but she did everything she could to hide as much as possible: sitting in an awkward position with her back to the main cam, so not sitting/lying in the bath in a more logical comfortable position, hands/arms over her turned-away boobs almost constantly... It can't have been a comfortable shower at all. Also, I saw, or should I say didn't see, her change a few times: she always used the off cam corner (toilet, presumably) in the bathroom for that, even if she'd have been only half naked for a few sec. Even a lot of guest girls don't mind a quick change like that on cam. But she obviously does... Babi showered normally, as if no cams were there. Which is the whole idea of this project. Edit: at least Irma didn't cover the cams though, like a conquest of Dylan recently did. As an ex-tenant, she probably knows that's not done & Masha could get reprimanded for this. Dylan's conquest aside, I don't think I ever saw even a guest girl covering the cams.
  4. Thanks for the info! It makes her 'going out of her way to hide' behavior all the more strange, though: if Irma's not coming back anyway, there's no "pay to play" factor involved to keep the nudity for when she gets paid. She also already showed a lot more than just nudity as a tenant, so it's not as if being naked on cam would be something new or awkward for her (as is the case for many new or guest girls, but even they often show more than she does now). Did she get a lot more shy (or religious?) in the past few years? Did a jealous & controlling boy- or girlfriend or disapproving family member make her promise to show as little as possible? Is there some strange mental gymnastics going on in her head that says that it's "slutty" to show when you're not getting paid, but it's "decent" if you are (some strippers think like that, I guess)? Babi & even the non-tenant girls who sometimes take care of the cats when Masha is on holiday have less prudery issues, so I wonder where Irma's current hiding behaviour comes from. She seemed so "generous" and fun in the old vids involving her, that I wonder what's going on now?... I first thought it was Elvis' presence holding her back, but she's also hiding in the bathroom and when he's not there... I don't expect the same level of exhibitionism when she's just a guest, but the contrast with her current hiding, almost prude, behaviour is extremely big indeed...
  5. There are only polar bears on the North Pole, none on the South Pole (Antarctica). Which makes polar bears not bi-polar, but mono-polar, if you will. πŸ™‚ But I guess his question was about you, not polar bears.
  6. Instead of focusing on Lacrim, I'd rather turn my attention towards the two cute local guest girls. πŸ˜‰ The one that is Lacrim's girlfriend, or at least friend with benefits, I've seen before. Including having sex with Lacrim. Still, each time she has to get over some cam shyness. She's not too worried about showing boobs though, maybe because of the normality of being topless on the beach where she lives. Her friend, on the other hand, I saw for the first time today. First in a bikini, then in fancier clothes, now in loose football (that's soccer, for Americans πŸ˜‰) clothes to sleep. I never saw her change, but wasn't constantly online either. I assume she did it hidden, but did anyone see her change, or shower/bathe?
  7. Irma hid while changing again, before she went to bed. I'd prefer her to act more naturally, like almost all ex-tenants on a visit and even a lot of guest girls. I'm not expecting bate shows or anything like that of an ex-tenant on a visit, but behaving (changing, showering,...) as if the cams aren't there is to be expected at least. The way she acts now, will (probably) contrast so much with her behaviour as a tenant (if she comes back), that it will feel too fake to watch for me, certainly after 1 or 2 times. Too bad... πŸ˜• And if she stays prudish once officially back as a tenant (for whatever reason: promises to jealous boy/girlfriend? Family? Found god?), that would be even worse, as she wasn't like that in the past. So she couldn't come across as a "shy new girl who has to get used to the cams" either. In that case RLC shouldn't bother bringing her back at all.
  8. As I said before: there's a difference between not putting on shows, and going out of your way & even suffer discomfort just to hide. Most other ex-tenants who pay a visit don't bother with hiding, so no "gotta pay to play" factor there. In fact, even lots of guest girls aren't hiding as much as Irma did now.
  9. RLC might decide they don't need another cam-averse tenant. Strange, as she apparently wasn't like that in the past...
  10. There a difference between not putting on shows as you're not paid (which is understandable), and purposefully suffering physical discomfort by awkward positions in the bath in order to hide as much as possible, especially when you've already been naked on cam in the past. The way she bathed & (un)dressed now, she was more prude than many (though not all) guest girls... And they are not paid either...
  11. Irma showering, sitting in the bath. I have the impression she's trying to hide from the cams as well as she can, judging by her rather uncomfortable position in the bath. Back to the main cam, hands/arms on the boobs almost the whole time. A bit like a guest girl might do who's actually never been naked on cam before... But for her, it seems a bit illogical... If she's doing all she can to hide, maybe she is done with RLC life & is just visiting? Right now, she hides more than some guests... Or is she coming back later & playing the tease? Maybe she watched Shantal the past weeks/months and tries to play the viewers her way?... I hope not, as Shantal, though she evolved is getting boring now. If Irma comes back, I'm afraid she won't be as 'generous' as she used to be... Update: in putting her underwear back on, she was in a towel & using the dead corner (toilet) in the bathroom on purpose, to hide as much as possible. This doesn't bode well, even if she she returns to RLC... πŸ˜•
  12. Has Irma taken a bath or shower yet since she's here?
  13. Well... Almost nothing. πŸ˜‰ Plus (non-pro) guest girls changing, bathing or having sex is always interesting, as there may be no next time to 'catch' them. But these things don't happen often enough to warrant paying extra for replay (it would double the subscription if I'm not mistaken), so you're correct in that sense.
  14. ... And now Elvis arrived before Irma got changed. 😞 She'll keep the blue top in which she slept on forever now, I'm afraid.. Or change in the small bathroom (without cams) in the bedroom. Edit: Elvis only passed by, apparently. Blue top is still glued on Irma though. Get changed already! πŸ˜‰ Edit 2: Un-be-fucking-lievable: She changed while I was writing the edit above, and I missed it! I'd been watching her for hours & barely got anything done!... 😞 😞 I guess Irma's boobs are just not meant to be for me (I'm 'old school', so no replay, lol)... To those who saw: was anything visible? Or did she change while hiding? Anyone have a pic or vid?
  15. Cams are freaking out, in a repeat loop it seems, at least several cams living room at Masha's Stuck at 14:05:41 or 42, play previous seconds when refreshed. We'll miss Irma changing (she washed her hair with her top on 😞 ) Update: cams working correctly again after 6min. Irma still in her blue top. She seems, strangely enough (considering her reputation), more prude than Babi: the latter showered naked.
  16. Has she (& Babi) been naked yet during this stay? I didn't see her naked yet (and have the feeling I might have if Elvis wasn't around constantly), but her boobs seem quite big in her night top. I hope they didn't become too saggy over the years, though...
  17. Maybe the Biden admin is not as "soft" on migration as the Trumpists accuse it to be? Even the Democrats are center-right wing by European standards (Republicans would count as hard & even extreme right wing by the same standards, especially the Trumpists). And there may be external reasons as well. Come to think of it, both US parties combine so many different political viewpoints in one party, that in a European context they'd probably each split up in different parties, as is common in Europe (the following considerations are from a European viewpoint, where there are about seven "political families"): Republicans in Trumpists & traditional republicans & libertarians & bible thumpers & still a few neocons - all right wing, of which most non-traditional Reps several brands of extreme right - sometimes conflicting like neocons vs isolationists -, some libertarians maybe societally progressive (pro choice in the abortion debate) but fiscally conservative, etc... Democrats in traditional Dems (centre right to centre), liberals (economically right, societally left), social democrats like Sanders (progressive centre left societally & economically), woke activists (varying degrees of left to extreme left societally, though perhaps not always economically, some also contradictory like LGBTQ+ rights vs rights of minority religions with conservative views on this), etc... The problem in the US is that if one party does split up, they're handing the presidency to the other on a silver platter at the next election, as the other party, divided as it is itself, will do everything possible to keep united to win exactly that next election (though they still might split later). So both parties would have to split at the same time, which is unlikely to happen. Those two big blocks are also the reason the Green party & other independents remain marginally small; they might grow considerably if the two big ones imploded, especially the Green party in case of the Dems splitting. Allright, this became longer than intended. Not much interesting happening on cam anyway... Unless I missed it while typing this, lol.
  18. If the polarization in the US continues to spiral in the same vein, the refugees Canada takes in from the US might not be from (only) 3rd countries anymore from 2024/2025 onwards...
  19. Is Irma the blonde, & Babi the brunette? Or vice versa?
  20. It's funny: right wingers in Europe always point out how much stricter the US is vs immigrants compared to the EU (with literally the same exaggerated arguments as quoted above, just with EU taxpayers instead of US ones, of course). But apparently, according to the quote above, for US right wingers their own country is softer on migrants than Europe... Reinforcing the image of the eternally malcontent, envious & angry right wing nationalist hater, wherever they may live... It will never be strict enough for them, short of shooting migrants or dumping them to die in the sea or desert - the latter already happening in Tunisia, and seen as an example by the hardest extremists. Or putting them in camps where they get mistreated & (especially women) raped (Lybia).
  21. Yes, she (probably) actually did get a 5 year ban before the war, but that sanction was likely revoked/suspended for Ukrainians when the war broke out. Not so hard to deduct from the previous posts, I reckon?... She's from before my time with RLC, so I don't remember seeing her before (except maybe on free cams years ago). What is the deal with her? She seems very notorious/famous with 'veterans' on the forum. Why?... (I didn't see much - actually nothing - to talk about from her yet, but I'm not often on RLC the last few days). But the talk about her is getting me curious...
  22. I thought as much. But what about guests? Or rather the tenant whose guest does that? Not that I'd want him kicked or even punished, but it should be pointed out to guests it's not allowed to cover the cams. Other guests (even shy ones) rarely do it, so maybe they are usually told by their host it's not allowed (and the host could get in trouble)? For example Masha's couchsurfers often tried to hide a lot, didn't shower or showered on night vision cams etc, but didn't cover the cams as far as I recall.
  23. Are people even allowed to cover the cams? Probably not, I think. But it's of course hard to stop a guest from doing this... Still, when tenants point out the cams to guests, they should add it's not allowed to cover them...
  24. Our comments (edit, in my case) about her dancing came at the same time. πŸ™‚ And yes, she sure can! Getting a bit more optimistic now.
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