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Everything posted by moos54

  1. Tu devrais regarder le replay si tu en a l'occasion pour mieux analyser les choses
  2. Je doute qu'elle s'en aille vu que c'est Wolf qui a ramené les valises ce matin et elles semblaient bien lourde Donc c'est plus des valises qui lui manquait qu'autre chose
  3. RLC wants to hide the cameras from another camera, just see at Olimpia, when Katie and Adam lived in this apartment, the balcony camera and one in the bedroom could see each other, since the apartment came back in line with Olimpia and Nefeli, they put a transparent film which prevents the cameras from being visible from each other Masha added stickers to the mirrors in her living room to prevent one of the cameras from being visible Besides, if there are also stickers on the bathroom mirror at Karol's but also at Martina's, it's not for nothing that they are there either. To return to Val and Jul's house, I think they are there more to allow the privacy of the toilets than to reveal the camera, but it is very possible that it could be visible especially by opening the left door You should also know that RLC makes it possible to isolate at least one toilet not visible from the cameras, which is why the one in the bathroom at B1, B2 or B4 are more or less visible because there is a second toilet which he is not
  4. it's sure you definitely need to get your eyes checked 😁
  5. If it is present in this location, I am certain that it is done on purpose precisely to avoid having the view of the toilets via the cam
  6. it's the opposite, they put back the belongings and suitcases that they had moved several weeks ago, so no they are not moving, on the contrary, they left to stay 🤣
  7. oops 🙃🤣 I feel like I want to see Taya again, Olivia's best friend and good friend of Ulyana and Fiora 😁
  8. It's not really true RLC does not like their participants to become vhtv participants, it is only on this condition that RLC no longer takes them into their project For the moment, whether it's Ari or Lubna, they are just guests in an apartment with cameras located at VHTV As Dasha was able to do at the time when she was squatting at her friend Teya's house who was a VHTV participant, however we see her again at Masha and Sasha as a guest, then as a participant in the threesome that they had formed before leaving the project with Sasha, to finally find them a few years later in the apartment where they are currently, with the pleasant surprise of seeing Tasha (Teya on vhtv) become a temporary participant on RLC
  9. Ça ne veut rien dire, la dernière fois elle était partie avec un sac à dos le matin et elle était de retour le soir même
  10. nothing strange there, sometimes it's him who comes to Barcelona and sometimes it's her who joins him in Italy, this time it's her who made the trip
  11. the camera is in the closet, she just closed the door to it strange because we already saw her naked in the other bathroom and she sleeps topless, even walking around the apartment remaining topless when she woke up last night
  12. They said Tyler, Tyler was another tenant who lived in Russia
  13. Friends came by last week to leave the dog with them but I guess they are only looking after it while their friends are away.
  14. Are you talking about the same Shantal, who has been sleeping naked since day one? 😁
  15. You just have to apply to join the project since I have the impression that you feel superior to them, plus there may be a free room soon at B7 😁
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