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Everything posted by moos54

  1. I know how to recognize my mistakes when I'm wrong, can you say the same? Would you claim to understand everything you see by only having 20% of the information? because I don't
  2. What am I blind to? I only see adults who are aware of what they are doing and with whom If we take yesterday's example, Karma sees that Lacrim is giving Lali more than a massage since he is masturbating her whereas when she was present, he was only giving a simple massage However, after surprising them, she came to get a massage from Lacrim, no one is forcing her to do it, and we could see that he didn't dare to go any further with her, because he understood that there were limits That's what you can't understand, these people chat together and regularly send each other written messages, because if you believe that the parties they can have are decided at the last moment, you are very mistaken. You allow yourself to judge people without understanding anything about what they are saying and especially the context of the situation. So the blind person between the two of us is not me, because I have this lucidity to tell myself that I do not have all the elements to judge a situation and above all I do not have the pretension to wanting to be in these guys' shoes because every time there is a guy in the GOV or COV apartments, it's always the same song, it makes me believe that all these guys are potential criminals when I read the comments of jealous subscribers 😁 That Lacrim is a little too comfortable with girls, I understand, but they also have plenty of time to make him understand things and we can see that he doesn't act in the same way with all of them, that's why I tell myself that he knows the limits with certain it's the same for Wolf
  3. She will be too busy exciting the guy on her phone with whom she masturbates from time to time 🤣
  4. merci de penser que je suis con mais apparemment on doit l'être tout les deux dans ce cas pour ne pas avoir compris mon post qui me semblait limpide Tu répond à Thinga en disant qu'il fait une supposition sur Wolf, Ulyana et les autres filles qui baisent sans capotes, mais tu fais toi même une supposition sur Lacrim et la fille qui est avec lui à ton post d'après il n'y a pas de mystère vu que c'est moi qui est voulu mettre tes propos dans cet ordre pour te faire comprendre un truc que tu n'as pas compris 🤣
  5. why he would need to ask her, this bathroom is not Sara's property, it's a shared bathroom for everyone And if not, who tells you that he doesn't do it, there is a magical invention called a smartphone with which you can send written messages 😁 All I see in this message is also the little esteem you have for women by qualifying this girl in a certain way without ever having any proof to prove the words, it's simply a gratuitous insult If you ask me, I think that the most dangerous for these girls is not Lacrim, Wolf or Miron, but guys like you and many others on the forum who think they have all the rights
  6. yes it's so logical, she left at the beginning of the month and she simply slept last night at B1, that really means she must have been sleeping under a bridge for 1 month 🤣
  7. Jadith guest 1 shower RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Jadith guest 2 shower RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  8. They should take inspiration from Scarlett and Casper to have a real sex life in this case 😁
  9. Yes I know that they often use their real name when they chat, which is normal, but on CC we have decided not to disclose the private information of the participants and we prefer to use the names that are given by the different projects like RLC or VHTV, it is also easier to understand for those who are just watching to understand who we are talking about
  10. @taddymd80 please read this before posting social Media, thanks
  11. not on this picture 🤣
  12. C'est pas vraiment honnête de résumer sa participation à juste cela, suffit de vraiment regarder pour voir qu'elle fait pas mal d'autres choses comme le fait d'étudier par exemple Elle reçoit de temps en temps des amies pour diner, elle permet à Leia d'avoir un pied à terre à Barcelone quand elle est de passage, on a aussi pu découvrir une autre amie qui est restée quelques temps dans l'appartement J'ai vu que tu faisais une comparaison avec Leora, sauf que chez Leora il n'y a jamais eu et n'aura surement jamais ce que je viens de décrire
  13. Of course she is, even if she has a day job She's the most real gov tenant, so don't touch her
  14. With all the empty beds in B4, i think we can have both in the project at the same time
  15. Ouais donc elle s'est fait mal à un genoux, du coup ça te permet de te lancer dans des théories fumantes, mais bon tu n'es pas le seul à faire des raccourcis comme cela sans aucune réelle preuve alors qu'il peut y avoir des centaines de raisons Enfin bref, je crois que le fait de ne pas être h24 avec les gens quand ils ne sont pas devant les cams, ça fait perdre tout bon sens commun 😁
  16. Du coup, moi je vois qu'elle prend des douches à genoux dans la grande salle de bain depuis plusieurs jours, et chez certaines filles, ça laisse des marques, on en a eu la preuve avec Holly
  17. So Wolf isn't that bad or asshole than most of the people here think everyday
  18. Of course they got married, we were even able to see the preparations for this wedding in front of the cameras In Russian or Ukrainian culture, the wedding ring is worn on the right hand
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